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Entrepreneurship (3)

6 Reasons You Should Start an Amazon Business

Amazon. The mere mention of the name brings to mind enormity. When you think of Amazon you think of gigantic warehouses humming along busily, night and day. You imagine packages being delivered to all corners of the globe, some of them literally dropping down from the sky. You may even wonder how many people are browsing and buying from Amazon that very second.

And then, if you’re like me, all those thoughts crystallize into one tantalizing question: How do I get into that business??

Here's what a lot of people don't realize: You actually can get into that business, and it's easier than you think.

Amazon has grown to be a $100 billion company by using an extensive network of sellers who keep its tons of products moving. Anyone can become one of these sellers and establish a highly profitable business within Amazon.

This business model offers a lot of advantages over others. Here are 6 reasons you should start an Amazon business of your own.

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Time Management Tips for Entrepreneurs

I’m a time management geek! As an entrepreneur, you have to be an expert at time management. As an employee, your daily schedule is mostly dictated by your boss or company. As an entrepreneur, you have to make it up as you go along! You have to decide what the best use of your time is for the biggest contribution to your company.

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