What To Sell On Amazon To Make Money

Guide Contents:

  1. Choose a Top-Level Category to Start
  2. Filter By Best Sellers Rank (300-5000)
  3. Less Than 1000 Reviews
  4. Find a Product Under Five Lbs
  5. Products Priced Between $15 and $70
  6. Private Label Your Products
  7. Improving Upon An Existing Product
  8. Start Your Product Research

There’s a ton of new product opportunities out there, and it’s up to you to discover what to sell on Amazon to make money. Before you get started looking for products, you’re going to need an Amazon product finder, this one is highly recommended. Check out our other Amazon FBA guides too like how to become an Amazon FBA Seller!

Choose a Top-Level Category To Start

Head over to Amazon.com and start your search by choosing a top-level category from the main drop-down list. So we’ll use “Sports & Outdoor” in this example. Next up, type the negative key plus a random series of numbers. Your input will look like “-64345,” for example, then hit search.Now launch your product finder tool, and you’ll see that it will start doing its work. In a few moments, you’ll see all of the top-selling products in that category on Amazon.

So we’ve got a top-level category to start our search, now let’s set a couple of filters within the product finder tool. Setting filters with your product finding tool will help you find out exactly what to sell on Amazon to make money.

Filter By Best Sellers Rank (300-5000)

You can eliminate a large number of products to sift through if you start by setting a BSR range of 300-5000. Consider products within this BSR range, this will help to guarantee your item has a fair chance at doing well on Amazon. This BSR range enables you to eliminate products that would carry with them too much competition.

Less Than 1000 Reviews

If you want to know what to sell on Amazon to make money, ideally you want a product that won’t get buried underneath heavy competition. To do this, you want to create a filter that sorts out any products with 1000 reviews or less. Since your product is starting with zero reviews, you don’t want your competition to have thousands and thousands of reviews already.

Your product will never look as credible in comparison, especially when you only have a couple of reviews starting out. Building up reviews will cost money, plain and simple, so it’s crucial to be able to build up reviews at a reasonable cost to yourself. Gaining reviews takes sales, and that means you’re going to need plenty of product in stock. See, all the top-selling products you come across are the exception, not the rule.

What you don’t see are the thousands of products on Amazon that have way fewer reviews and still sell a ton. Your product will start to stand out and be seen as highly credible after you’ve gathered only a small number of high praise reviews!

Find a Product Under Five Lbs

If your product is too heavy, say anything over 5 lbs, then the cost of ordering additional units, and shipping out refunds is going to be too expensive.

So really, if you’re wondering what to sell on Amazon to make money? Sourcing a product that is both lightweight and small is a place to start, then make sure the product meets all of the other criteria mentioned in this post.

To recap, any product that is less than 5 lbs, and also meets all the requirements of what to sell on Amazon to make money, is a viable option. Create a filter within the product finder tool and sort out any products greater than 5 lbs.

Products Priced Between $15 and $70

Your potential product should be between $15 and $70. It’s the optimal price range. This price range ensures that your profits will be high enough to offset the cost of your inventory reorders safely.

Place a price filter within your product finder tool. That way, you only have to sift through products ranging from $15 and $70. This will significantly reduce the number of products you’ll need to dig through, saving you HOURS of work.

Private Label Your Products

You can’t sort by a product’s private label potential, but you still need to be able to recognize which products can be privately labeled and which cannot. So “private label potential” is just when a generic type of product can be privately labeled with your brand name. Private labels make your products recognizable, credible, and increase sales once you brand is established.

Since competition is high on Amazon, it’s critical to look as credible as every other product on the market. Most generic products, take something like kitchen containers for example.

It’s essential to avoid any products that have any patents associated with them. If you’re ever unsure about whether or not a product is patented, it might be best to move onto another generic product instead. If you suspect a product may be patented, you can contact an attorney or do a quick patent search yourself.

So once you’ve put together a list of potential products, then it’s time to head over to a site like alibaba.com. There you can see if you can find a similar product that a manufacturer is making in bulk, which you can then put your brand on.

Improving Upon An Existing Product

During your product research, you’ll come across several products that meet all of the criteria here. As you continue to optimize your product research process, and get familiar with the product finder and alibaba.com, you’ll spot products that could be easily improved.

If you can create a product that is a major upgrade over the competition, you’ll be able to generate sales swiftly. It might be easier than you think too, just simplistic additions like adding grips to a container.

Maybe you’ve noticed that most of the products on Amazon are a little too generic, or just low quality overall. If you can find a product opportunity within that niche, your solidly built, the high-quality product can dominate the competition.

Most of your competitors will be folks who are launching generic products with their branding. If you can differentiate your product by working with a high-quality manufacturer, and providing the best product experience to customers, then you’ll quickly gain a strong foothold in your niche.

Start Your Product Research

Start researching now and get comfortable with the entire process! Only YOU can determine what to sell on Amazon to make money, and it’s going to take serious time and tons of research to find the perfect product but it’s worth it.

With a solid product and a with the right packaging, designs, and a great logo, your private brand can take off fast. Amazon is full of thousands of sellers just like you and me, and the quickest way to start earning a secondary income today is to learn what to sell on Amazon to make money.

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