Stop Running Your Business And Start LEADING It!

Do you remember that amazing feeling, that excitement of when you were first starting your business? That hope that it ignites in you. That feeling that it’s time to start leading your Amazon business. Of the freedom that you’re going to have when you have your own physical products business up and running. You’re going to be able to do the things that most excite you because finally, you’re going to be happy. 

Along the way, challenges arrive. And when they do, it’s so easy to place blame. Blame on someone or something else, but what’s wrong with your business, it’s not some external factor. The source of your success or failure does not rely on being someone else, somewhere else. What I believe in my heart is that you need to take account for what you want. So, how exactly do you fix a struggling Amazon business for example?

Well, the difference between running a business, and leading a business is the vision. To be successful, you need to start leading your Amazon business. I believe that when you start leading your business and you have a passion behind said vision, that vision isn’t to be rich. That vision is because of what you want to achieve. You’ll have so much passion that you’ll look at those hurdles as nothing but just everyday, easy obstacles. Yeah, you got to deal with them, but you’re happy to jump right over them because your vision is way, way bigger.

To prove this, here are the top 3 reasons why businesses fail.

#1: Starting a business for the wrong reason

If you’re not clear on your “why,” then it’s going to be almost impossible to follow through.

#2: Lack of planning

This could be not understanding the product you’re selling, who the customers are or why they want to buy your product. Businesses succeed because it’s not about caring what the product is but who the customers are and why customers want the product. Knowing what to focus on is key. 

#3: Poor management

This includes lacked financial management, managing the plans, and bad hiring. 

There are no excuses. Businesses that fail, the top three reasons are because of the business owner.

Your business and your life and going to overlap. Don’t lie to yourself and say, “No, they’re two different things.” You can’t be an evil business person, greedy for money and that not overlapping to your family life. If you’re not honest with yourself about what you want most in life, then how can you lead it? Because you’re going to be confused. You’re going to have no idea why you’re leading. 

I believe that with every ounce of my soul that you can gain control of your business. You can feel energized because you’re in sync with the life that you enjoy living. But it all starts with deciding whether you want to continue running your life and running your business or leading it.

The world doesn’t need more runners. It needs more leaders. Leaders that will make an impact on this world. That are going to feed the poor, protect the weak, and love the unlovable. I beg each of you to take this to heart. I know I am not the only person that’s lost a child. But I’m the only person on this stage talking to you right now, so please listen to me. Don’t let it be something like that, that’s going to make you change. You have the power to decide to do that now and lead. You are capable of so much more than you think. You deserve a life that makes an impact on this world. And you can. 

Don’t run a life full of regrets and doubts. Instead, lead your life. Lead your business. And let’s make a difference in this world. 

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