How to Make Money Selling on Amazon

Eric Toohey learned how to make money selling on Amazon through’s Amazing Selling Machine (ASM) course. Here, he shares his success story while also providing advice on choosing products to sell that follow specific size and weight guidelines (to keep FBA fees down), trademarking your brand to combat brand hijackers, and leveraging the ASM community and mentors to help solve business problems as they arise.

Building an Amazon Business

Mike McClary and Eric Toohey came together on Facebook live to share Eric’s journey from unsatisfied home remodeler to a million dollar seller on Amazon. After taking the Amazing Selling Machine course, he and his wife, Sadie, began their business in June of 2014 by selling one product. Within three weeks, Eric quit his job to focus on their Amazon business full time. They now sell 21 products through their brand on Amazon.

In this video, Eric reveals details of his success story, including his struggles with brand “hijackers” and how to combat them, the value of the ASM community when running into issues in his business, specific size restrictions to follow during product selection, and weight limitations to abide by.

Combating Brand Hijackers

One challenge to look out for is hijackers. This is when someone else sells your product and claims that it is theirs. You can monitor for these and there are tools to alert you to possible hijackers. The best way to beat this is to trademark your product. Eric expresses the importance of trademarking your brand to help protect your Amazon business and brand from counterfeits. Without a trademark, Amazon may do little to help a seller when someone offers counterfeit products.

Amazon Product Selection Criteria

Eric gives advise on keeping FBA fees down. He suggest keeping the product size under 18” x 14” x 8” and maintaining a product weight below 1 pound.

More on Toohey’s Journey

Prior to starting his business, Toohey worked as a home remodeler in Austin, Texas. He felt unhappy in this career and decided to make a change. He quit his job three weeks after starting his Amazon business in order to fully dedicate himself to selling. Toohey explains that this created a sense of urgency that he had to make his business a success.

Making money is a mindset. ASM clarified that successful business requires the right mindset and perspective. Toohey knew he had to do everything in his power to make it work. He describes the information from ASM working like a recipe. If you follow the steps, you will get the final result that you want.

Following that recipe, Toohey was able to add two more products to his brand within a year of starting,  and now sell a total of 21 different products. He says that it is important to:

  • Continue testing and taking more risk as your business becomes more established, including selling more high-end products
  • Remember the importance of reaching out to friends and family when you first start a business, as those are typically your first customers.
  • Expect for there to be problems, but see those  barriers as part of the process.
  • Take advantage of the ASM community, which is incredibly helpful for overcoming challenges as they come up.
  • Hire an inspection service in the United States or one in the country where your product is being made. It is a great idea to establish a trusting relationship with your supplier.
  • Always consider the long-term when making choices related to your business, including bar codes and product selection.
  • Research patents when you are selling your own product—not all countries have the same patent laws.

Toohey  and his wife share the duties of the business, and the rewards of their hard work are invaluable—such as having a flexible schedule, the ability to take time off, and the chance to contribute to charitable causes.

It all comes down to your personal goals as a seller. If you want to just have a business, but do not care about the product, that’s fine. But if you care about the product and want to have an empire, you will enjoy your work in a different way. This passion for the product has contributed so much to Toohey’s business success.

Watch the video above, or read the transcript below to get a more in-depth look at Eric’s journey to success!

From Home Inspector to Million Dollar Amazon Seller Video Transcript

Mike McClary:   Hey everyone, welcome to another Facebook Live session. I am Mike McClary. I have a very special guest with me today, Eric Toohey. He has an amazing story about his journey from being a home inspector to a million dollar seller on Amazon. I’ll be getting to Eric a little bit later. You can see him there, he’s getting all caffeinated up and everything ready for the call. It’s going to be an awesome call.

But I first want to welcome everyone to this live session. If you’ve been watching previous live sessions, we’ve been doing them for the past several weeks, providing all kinds of free training. Eric’s making sure there’s no one stalking behind him with a knife or anything. So far you’re good, Eric. All kinds of free training and also just some really great interviews. I am so fortunate because I’ve got to interview some of my most favorite people in the world. This is just an excuse for me to get together with those people, I don’t get a chance to physically get together with too often, so I’m really loving these sessions, hope you guys are too.

If you have not seen any of the previous sessions, go to the page on Facebook. You’ll see all the pre-recorded live sessions that we’ve been having over the past couple of weeks. And if you also want to get some great, awesome, free training go to We have a four part video series that walks you through the entire business model that I’ve been involved with, that Eric’s been involved with, that Rich Henderson, Matt Clark, Jason [Casenbeck 00:01:22], we all follow and sell on Amazon. We’ll walk you through finding a product. We actually give you a list of 100 hot product opportunities using the exact criteria that we teach you in that first training video.

Then we’re going to show you how to find suppliers for that product as well, because if you know a great product, you know it’s gonna sell on Amazon, doesn’t really matter if you can’t find someone to make it for you. We’re gonna show you exactly how to do that, and it’s a lot easier than you might think. You can do it without every flying or traveling anywhere. You can just sit at home on your PC and find all kinds of suppliers to make practically any product in the world, and we’ll show you how to do that.

Then, in the third video we’re going to show you how to take that product that you’ve found, that you’ve found a supplier to make for you, that you also found a shipping company or a freight forwarder. Which we show you how to do, to get that product anywhere you’re gonna be selling it. We’re gonna then show you how to take that product and launch it on Amazon to get almost immediate sales and rankings using something we call the Rapid Ranking Formula.

Then, after those three videos we have another fourth video. We’re gonna show you all of the kinds of people who’ve run this business with incredible success, all different kinds of lifestyles they’ve been able to live. And we’re gonna give you a chance to really increase and automate this business and get selling as quickly as possible. So I don’t want you to go there and watch those training videos right now, ’cause I first want you to watch Eric and I. But definitely, if you have not seen those yet, when you’re done go check those out because they’re really some great free training to get hold of.

But now, I’m really excited to bring in Eric Toohey. Eric’s actually in Austin, Texas right now where’s at, where Amazing Selling Machine is located. I got a chance to sit down with Eric last fall and actually talk with him and his lovely wife Sadie. Sat on a couch and recorded an interview there. That interview is actually also on our Facebook page, also on YouTube, feel free to check that out. But we wanted to bring him back again, and just kinda like have a brief interview and talk about his story, about how he got selling on Amazon. So, Eric, first off thanks so much. Welcome to the call and thanks for joining us.

Eric Toohey:        You bet, man. It’s my pleasure.

Mike McClary:   So first I want to just, you know, talk about how long have you been selling on Amazon, and when did you get started?

Eric Toohey:        We did ASM3 spring of 2014 and we’d launched by end of June. Yeah, I think the course started in May and we launched by the end of June. We went pretty fast.

Mike McClary:   Yeah, yeah. That is pretty fast.

Eric Toohey:        We were pretty motivated.

Mike McClary:   And did you start with just one product or several products?

Eric Toohey:        We started with one. We kinda took that to heart. I remember there was somewhere in the training that said, definitely start with one and get your bearings with one, and then you can expand to two. I’m like that’s crazy. Why not start with six? And I’m like all right, I’ll start with one, and once I did I realized why. It made sense for me.

Mike McClary:   So you started with one product, you launched near the end of June, so do you remember, was it pretty recent after that you made your first sale?

Eric Toohey:        First day.

Mike McClary:   First day?

Eric Toohey:        Yeah.

Mike McClary:   That’s pretty good then.

Eric Toohey:        I’m trying to remember. Well, it was an organic sale by somebody we knew because they knew we launched. They heard we launched, or we mentioned that it was going to be available that week, and so she went and bought it. Mary Kay Carr actually.

Mike McClary:   Oh, I love Mary Kay. She’s awesome.

Eric Toohey:        Oh, she’s amazing.

Mike McClary:   Yeah, and that’s one of the things we tell people is that, you know, definitely when you’re launching your business reach out to friends and family. You’ll be surprised how many people want to support you in this journey.

Eric Toohey:        Right.

Mike McClary:   So …

Eric Toohey:        Absolutely.

Mike McClary:   Even though it’s a friend, we’ll take a sale anywhere we can get it.

Eric Toohey:        Oh yeah, and then the funny thing is, we got that one, that one day, and I think we got two the next day, and I didn’t know who they were. I was like wow. That was really cool ’cause I don’t know who that person is. Then I think I got two the next day. Anyway, but I’d never had a day where I didn’t have a sale. So, that was kinda cool.

Mike McClary:   That’s pretty darn good to know, and I know that feeling you’re talking about. The first time you get a sale with the name of a person you have no idea who it is, what a feeling to know you’ve created a product that a person wanted to buy and use.

Eric Toohey:        Right. You know, it’s funny, and it’s kinda different. I was a professional musician for a long time and I stopped doing that because I became a single father. So it was kinda like rock musician, now I have a kid who was four months old, and now I’m a single dad. That was crazy, so I’m gonna be doing something else now.

But I’ll still run into old friends of mine from those days and they’re like, “Man, don’t you miss it?” And I’ll tell you, it sounds crazy to sit there and compare the two. But there is such a level of creation, of taking an idea for a product, or looking for a product, and then developing that product and it’s your product, and getting it out there to the point to where somebody wants it and they buy it. It’s not different from sitting in a studio and coming up with an idea for a song, and then putting it together. And watching this group of guys come together to create this piece of art that somebody, again, it’s the exact same thing, somebody takes and enjoys listening to so they buy it.

It’s such a similar process for me that when somebody ask … like you said, when somebody buys it you go wow, I created that. You really did. It is a creation. It’s almost artistic in a way to sit there and figure out how to get people to want something, or to be able to create something someone wants, and then-

Mike McClary:   That’s a beautiful way of putting it. And I didn’t plan on asking this, but you just brought something up. So we know the feeling when you get the first sale from a person you don’t know, do you remember what it felt like when you got your first product review from someone you didn’t know and they loved it?

Eric Toohey:        Oh my gosh, yes. I was nervous. I remember sitting there being nervous. Oh my god, what did they say? It says five stars, but whatever. And you’re sitting there reading it and just … and then I remember not long later there’s like a couple of reviews after that I got, my first one with a picture. Now we deal with kids products, so to sit there and see a picture of a toddler with the product and just happy as could be. It was like wow, I actually literally impacted somebody’s life that I have no idea who they are.

It’s a very fulfilling feeling. I don’t know anybody that doesn’t enjoy helping people to some capacity, some more than others. But to sit there and know that I’m able to make someone’s life better, and make my living doing it, even though to a small degree, is really very nice.

Mike McClary:   Yeah, that’s a great way of putting it. One of our good friends, you may know him as Firestone, always says, “Serve the world unselfishly and prosper.” What a great way of doing it. Yeah. And it’s possible to do both things at the same time, and you’re living proof of that.

Eric Toohey:        Right.

Mike McClary:   Now, as I recall, life wasn’t always a barrel of peaches. I just made that term up, I’m gonna go with it. So, like do you remember what you were doing right before you actually started selling on Amazon, or took this leap?

Eric Toohey:        Yeah. I was crawling under houses. I was actually not a home inspector, I was in remodeling. We remodeled kitchens. I remember the story I told you, and I remember saying something about an inspector, and I could see why that happened. But I was in remodeling and yeah, it was summertime in Austin, Texas, and those of you who’ve been to Austin, Texas in the summertime it’s a little swampy.

Mike McClary:   It looks like 100 degrees, you’re crawling through the crawlspaces and all that.

Eric Toohey:        Right.

Mike McClary:   And was there a point when you realized you just can’t do that anymore?

Eric Toohey:        I was working on a house, it was July –

Mike McClary:   So July in Austin.

Eric Toohey:        July in Austin. And that day … I forgot what I was supposed to be doing, but I wore shorts, and they’re like, “Plans changed. I need you to go rip all the galvanized steel out from underneath this house,” and it was a period beam house so, you know, you have a little beam and there were these little pillars, the beams sit on them and then the house sits on top of that. So there’s about this much space that I can crawl with a saw and cut piping out, and a piece of molten metal hits me in the eye and I’m like, “Oh God.” and then I choke on something else, I sneeze and I literally blew … it was like a movie. I blew the dust off a raccoon skull that was sitting in front of me and like, oh my God. And I was sitting there going come on, come on, the whole time.

Then I get out and I’m sitting on the floor that’s been ripped out, and my boss looks at me and says, “Hey, you see all that sheet rock that’s crushed in the dirt at your feet?” And I’m like, “Yeah.” He’s like, “Can you make sure that that gets raked out before the day’s over?” Totally legitimate request. He’s a great guy, I love him dearly. But I sat there and went, “What? I’ve got to rake sand out of sand? And this is what I’m doing for a living?” I called my wife and I said, “How much do we need just to plant my income and still continue to grow the business?” And she gave me a number, looked at my phone and went, “We’ve been doing that for the last week. I’m quitting tomorrow.” And she said, “Right on, done. Get out.”

Mike McClary:   That is awesome. I love hearing that story. I don’t love thinking about you having to crawl under houses, but what a great story, what a great testament to be able to change your life. I’m gonna pause real quickly. I’m wanna welcome anyone who’s just joined us right now. We’re here live with Eric Toohey who, along with his wife Sadie, is an incredible person, incredible seller on Amazon, just a great marketing mind altogether. I’m gonna welcome all the people, Alexandrou, Yogi, Henrietta, Christina, Courtney, welcome to the call.

If you just joined us right now and you missed the beginning of this call don’t worry, it’s being recorded. That happens automatically on Facebook. So, within a few minutes of this call being completed we’ll actually … you can come back to the same page and watch the recording and catch all of it right here. And if you do have questions for Eric, feel free to post them right under the video here. Just put Eric, you know, say for Eric, and here’s my question. Put them in there and then near the end of the call we’ll do a little Q & A with Eric and ask as many questions as we can before the call’s over. But I want to continue on with Eric.

So that’s awesome, you know, that you reach this point where you’re able then to quit doing this job that you really didn’t like. How long was it, do you think, before you got to that point? So you went live end of June. How long was it before you were making sales consistently that you were able to make that leap and change your life?

Eric Toohey:        I quit three weeks after we launched.

Mike McClary:   Three weeks? I was thinking three months. A little shorter than that.

Eric Toohey:        It was three weeks. It went pretty fast. I didn’t have a huge overhead at the time but it was enough to cover the house payment, and new inventory and things like that. And it was also a little bit of just deciding that I was gonna do it. Not hoping, not having faith that I’ll work it out, but just it was more of a decision. I mean, really, more than anything, it was like this is what I do now.

Mike McClary:   It was your intention. This is your new career then.

Eric Toohey:        Right.

Mike McClary:   Do it.

Eric Toohey:        Not I hope I can make this work, this is what I do for a living now. Done. And that was it. And I think it was that. My wife tells me that all the time. She believes that’s what got this business going for us is, I was so driven. It was just this decision that this is real, this works, this makes sense to me. It was the first thing I’d ever seen that made sense, and I can think with it, I can see it working and not just hoping it will. I’m like, oh, I see how this is going to occur. When I was doing the training, I was still in construction. My boss was so cool. I said, “Can I take Fridays off? I’m gonna start this new business and I need to do this training.” He was like, “Go ahead.”

So I took Fridays off. And I would call her. The module’s coming out on Thursday, I’d work on a Friday. I’d call her like six times during the day, “Oh my god, do you know what we’re gonna do next?” And I would go crazy. It was exciting, but it was really just that decision that this is what I had to do now. I truly believe that you’ve got to make the decision that this is what you are now and then the other things will happen. You don’t become successful by trying to do this, and trying to do that. You just decide you’re successful and move forward.

That’s what I love about the ASM course is that it really, really instills that. It makes it so easy and such an easy gradient. Here’s the little bit of data, understand it, now go do this. Now don’t do anything else until you do this. And that made it so, so real, and so easy to accomplish that you’d see results every day. Even in the form of the badges, which was brilliant, honestly. But even in the form of the badges you see an accomplishment for the day. You have a product for your day’s work and that’s huge. You want to see what you’re accomplishing every single day.

Now I see it in revenue, but before, in order for the revenue to come in you’d need to do this, do that, and these were things that I didn’t know I needed to do. But you guys told me what I needed to do. You see it getting done and you see why it’s getting done too. It’s not just this arbitrary push this button and then magic will occur eventually, but we’ll get to that later. It’s heres why you’re doing this, and then what we’re gonna do next is this in order to do this, and then here you go.

Mike McClary:   That’s an awesome way of describing this entire business model and it sounds like from the moment that you took the course you were visualizing that you’re already successful?

Eric Toohey:        Right. I hadn’t always done that my whole life, but I gotta say, you know, I gotta give the course credit, it had a way of … it’s just very easy to see. You have to actively try to not see how you could be successful to not see it. And I mean that. You have to actually go in here trying to prove the Amazing Selling Machine wrong to not get it. If you go in there just like, I went to this … Super quick story. I went to Mexico with my brother. My brother’s a motorcycle racing instructor. Super cool job, right? Sells on Amazon too.

And we went with one of his students to Mexico. This guy had made like, I want to say like $176 million that year in his business. He’s like 41 years old. Guy had gone from millionaire to broke three times in his life. Every time he was a millionaire he was broke within a year. Something like that. I remember the story. And it hit me that day. It hit me that making money is a mindset. It’s a viewpoint. It’s not … everyone would be a millionaire if it wasn’t.

I kinda had that thought in my head, and when I started the Amazing Selling Machine course I saw that it was a certain viewpoint. I saw that I had to approach it from this angle, this I am going to make this work, and to make it work, you know, like anything people are going to try something and some aren’t gonna win at it and some are.

But I’ve never seen anything that makes it so easy if you just have the right viewpoint. If you come at it with this works and I’m gonna make it work in my life. Think of it was science. Science is always, you know, it’s chemistry. If you do this, if you do this, this occurs. If you take the ASM course and do exactly what it said this will occur. It’s almost scientific. You have to introduce arbitrary things like well, I’m gonna introduce this into it, for it to not work. Do you know what I mean?

Mike McClary:   Right.

Eric Toohey:        You’re baking cookies and you throw in, I don’t know, cooking oil into it, you’re not gonna have a cookie. You know what I mean? If you throw in your added interpretation of what Mike said, and what I think he actually meant was this, you’re not gonna get the result. But if you just do what’s said you’re gonna get the result.

Mike McClary:   I couldn’t say that any better myself. That’s a great way of putting it. And, again you’re a living testament to one of our hundreds, if not thousands, of success stories.

Eric Toohey:        Yeah.

Mike McClary:   So I’m gonna get down to some nuts and bolts questions if you don’t mind. So we know that very quickly you started selling enough to give you what you needed in order to not only live, but did it also give you enough to reinvest in the business, to get more inventory?

Eric Toohey:        Yeah, absolutely. We’d launched our second product, I want to say August of that … no, no, no, no, I’m sorry, it was October of that year. So it was a few months. We’d instantly had inventory problems with our first product.

Our manufacturer, who we still use, they couldn’t keep up. I said, “How many can you do?” We’d ordered 500 the first time and it was gone within a month, just over a month. And I’m like, “I need another 500.” They were like, “Oh, we didn’t expect you to order so soon.” “But I thought you said you could do 5,000 a month?” And anyway, so we had to deal with that. Then we launched our new product from October, and I think our next one was in December.

Mike McClary:   Wow. Okay. So you quickly went from one product to three products all within a year. How many different products are you selling right now?

Eric Toohey:        Let’s see, we do a lot of hey, let’s try this out and see if it works kinda prototype stuff and throw it up. So I would say currently, I don’t know, 25?

Mike McClary:   You know what’s funny is like I know everyone watching this is probably wondering how in the heck do you not know how many products you’re selling? If you asked me that question I couldn’t tell you. I honestly could not tell you exactly. Somewhere between 20 and 25.

Eric Toohey:        See, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.

Mike McClary:   21.

Eric Toohey:        21 actively selling right now.

Mike McClary:   All right, that’s great. I love how you followed all the criteria and then, I’m assuming that, you know, once you’re making money, you’re making profit, you know how this process works. You can probably do some testing and take a little more risk later on when it comes to your products that you’re trying out.

Eric Toohey:        Absolutely. I mean that’s when we started getting the little bit higher end stuff. Our first product was a very basic, run of the mill, really not a hard thing to find, and then we stepped it up from there and started getting to more higher end stuff. Eventually, I’d actually like our company to be, or at least have an option of our company that is strictly higher end in our field. Yeah, so I was able to take some time and invest some money into some stuff that would, you know, I couldn’t have done at the beginning by any stretch of the imagination.

Mike McClary:   Yeah, so it’s amazing. It’s a common story we hear from everyone selling is that once you know the process, your second product, your third product, fourth, fifth, tenth, twenty-first, much easier. And then it opens up opportunities that as a new seller you don’t quite have, But later on you can expand in other areas, other products. You can go outside. We give you the criteria what to look for, but once you know the process and you have some revenue coming in, you can take risks that you could never take before. And with risk comes a chance for great reward.

Eric Toohey:        Right, right. And, you know, it’s not even … if you can afford it I don’t even look at it as a risk. Honestly, it’s just part of the process, you know? Something happened in my life in the last couple of years where … and I’ve used this analogy to describe something else. And if anybody I know is watching they’ve heard me say this before, so sorry for repeating the story, but if you haven’t heard it hopefully you get something out of it.

I looked at life as, like you take the analogy of a sprinter and a hurdler, right. Say I’m a sprinter my whole life and then you throw a bunch of hurdles in front of me I’m like, “What in the world are these?” I’m a sprinter, right? But the hurdler doesn’t look at those hurdles and go, “What’s the problem?” He just looks and goes, “What is the problem? It’s part of the race.”

So there’s barriers to achieving what you want to achieve in your business, right? So instead of looking at them as barriers, just look at them as part of the game. So I look at investing money into a new idea that might flop, it’s just one of the hurdles. And if I’m a hurdler it’s just part of the game. It’s never gonna bother me. Give it a shot, give it a shot. No, don’t like it. Move on to the next one. That one’s gonna stick. And you know what? More often than not, that one that sticks pays for all the flops combined within a few months.

Mike McClary:   Absolutely.

Eric Toohey:        So it’s not a risk. It’s never a risk unless you decide it’s a risk, in my opinion. You get to that and it’s never a risk.

Mike McClary:   A lot of people have asked me the questions like, “What if my product doesn’t do as well as I thought?” I was at a live event, someone asked me that. And the biggest risk I’ve seen is that you’ll break even.

Eric Toohey:        Right.

Mike McClary:   If you realize it’s not selling the way it is, lower your price to your break even. Run out of that, take that money and pump that into another product.

Eric Toohey:        Right. You have to use common sense. You, and Matt, and Jason, you’re not gonna go to everyone’s house and go, “What? What are you doing?” You can’t sit there and evaluate everyone’s product selection, so you have to follow the thing, but you also gotta be smart. I shouldn’t even say smart, you can’t be an idiot, honestly.

There is two different things there. So you have to take the training and go, okay, say this has, wow, there’s hardly any competition here and this guy only has this many reviews, but it’s got a patent on it. I’m not gonna do it. Or I can only afford to buy 500 and the price I’m gonna get it for, for 500 is the same thing that everyone’s selling it for, so I’m not gonna do that. You have to use your head, but just follow the training and [inaudible 00:23:49].

Mike McClary:   And you brought up a great point too. So with Eric’s first product it did so well that his supplier couldn’t keep up with him.

Eric Toohey:        Right.

Mike McClary:   And so the training gives you everything you need to get your product up and selling, and market, and everything. But if you come across hurdles and trust me, everyone in this business comes across hurdles, like Eric was telling you, I’ve come across them. The beautiful thing we have, which I think is more powerful than the course itself, is the community.

So when you have an issue like that reach out, post your problem. We have thousands of people that are in there to help and give you their opinion on what to do. And I’m sure you got some feedback from people on what to do every time you’ve come across a problem?

Eric Toohey:        Absolutely. And again, using the hurdle analogy, it’s never a problem if it’s just part of the game. It is just part of it. You hear successful people say all the time, “I’m successful ’cause I failed more than you.”

Mike McClary:   Yes.

Eric Toohey:        It’s just another way of saying the hurdler, whatever you want to say. It’s just you have the community to go to pick you back up, and it’s been huge. I mean, I’ve had some weird things happen, I mean look, things happen, right? And I’d rather have something weird happen in a million dollar business than nothing weird happen in an $18 an hour job.

Mike McClary:   That’s a great way of putting it.

Eric Toohey:        Yeah. You sit there stressed out once in a while, you sit there, put things in perspective and go, “Yeah, it’s totally worth it.” And it doesn’t become a problem anymore. You just handle things. I don’t know how many times I’ve gone to the community and said, “Hey, has anybody had this happen to you?” “Oh yeah, this happened to me three times.” Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. You’re like, “Oh, what was I worried about.” It’s huge. It’s like having a free coach there.

You might not have one person in there who is a complete and total expert about everything, but you have a group of people that combined are an expert at everything you need to have somebody be an expert in.

Mike McClary:   Absolutely. I want to bring up something. I was going to ask you if you do this business by yourself of partner with someone, but you had mentioned your wife, Sadie. So you guys operate the business together?

Eric Toohey:        Yes, we run it together. Really, how we have it set up is she came from the world of marketing. She actually was in marketing for a supplement company based out of Austin here, you get their products in Wholefoods, places like that. So she ran a magazine that they had, or I don’t know if she ran it, she had a lot to do with the magazine that they put out as well as a lot of the marketing for the products. So that was an easy transition for her to go into marketing. Sort of an easy transition because she had preconceived ideas that were just totally different than what came about.

So she actually had to … She was very good at being humble and taking a look and going, “Okay, what do these guys have to say about this business model?” So, anyway, she runs all of our marketing for the most part, and I run all of the logistics and operations. I handle the people, and I handle the inventory management and things like that.

Mike McClary:   That’s awesome. And it’s been a pretty good process, the two of you splitting things up that way and partnering together?

Eric Toohey:        Yeah. I mean, you know, sometimes we still have to figure out ways like they intersect and they cross over. And one day I’ll find myself doing Facebook ads because I watched Mike McClary teach me how to do Facebook ads and I want to give it a shot. So I’ll do it. But the other good thing about that is that it allows us to … My wife’s off doing something else. She’s in Florida right now, she’s not even here and she’s not working at all. And I can cover everything.

So, our big thing is that we know enough about what each other does but to run it … but the truth is what we’re trying to do is get it to where everyone else is doing it and we’re just making sure it’s getting done. ‘Cause really, let’s face it, once you scale that is what your responsibility becomes is making sure it’s getting done. Because if you can have your business be expanding, doing well and expanding without you, you can go start this, or you could just go watch TV if that’s what your life’s dream is. I mean, whatever, to each his own, but that’s what really we’re trying to accomplish here.

Mike McClary:   Yeah, that’s great. I only have a few more questions before I let the members watching ask questions, but one of them is tied to your time. So let me ask you this. We kinda were chatting before this call started so I got a little insight, a little bit. How much time do you really spend in this business right now, and how much time do you have to spend in this business based upon what you’ve been doing the past couple of months?

Eric Toohey:        I can answer that a few different ways.

Mike McClary:   Right.

Eric Toohey:        I could tell you what I’ve done, and why I was wrong. I’ve been working about six or seven hours a day for the last 10 days. Before that I was out of town with my wife and my family for almost two months and I didn’t do anything.

Mike McClary:   Two months?

Eric Toohey:        Two months. I literally didn’t do anything. Then before that I worked my butt off for 10, 12 hours a day, but that was getting Christmas inventory and that wasn’t a normal thing. We get most of our stuff from the United States but we started sourcing from China recently. So that was getting our first shipment in, doing inspection, figuring out how we’re gonna do all of that, ’cause that was pretty new to us actually. It was actually pretty easy when it came down to it. But getting all that out. So we go in phases.

It depends on what your goals are. If you’re trying to build an empire, you’re gonna work your butt off but it’s gonna be fun, and it’s gonna be yours. And you’re gonna be doing something that you enjoy doing, hopefully. ‘Cause the truth is that to build an empire I believe that you have to enjoy what you’re doing. Now that doesn’t mean you have to love your products, or that doesn’t mean you have to love the world you’re in. Say you sell cycling gear, right? You don’t have to care about cycling gear, but you have to love getting people to do a good job, or you have to love a side of it, I believe.

So it depends on, I think, what you’re trying to do, If you’re trying to build something up and then maintain it so you can do other things, I mean, I went a year where I probably averaged an hour and a half a day. Literally, I mean like a year. But I think, for me, the reason that worked, and I genuinely believe that the greatest way to make money, I mean you have to have some basics. But the greatest way to expand your business and your ability to make money is to find a reason bigger than yourself and bigger than your business.

There are things that me and my wife are involved in that we feel are much bigger than just us, they’re much bigger than our business, they’re bigger than anything. And when I sat there and we wanted to contribute to a charity that really moved us, or contribute to our church, or contribute to whatever it is we’re trying to contribute to. That pushes you to be bigger than you are. It’s easy, my bills are paid, I live in a nice house, I drive a nice car, my kids are taken care of. It’s easy to just go, you know. But when you find something that’s bigger than yourself it pushes you.

And that’s when I saw the extension of my business more than anything, honestly. That’s when I saw … In the very beginning it’s like my whole game was how do I pay rent this month? Okay, if I move this over here, and I pay that guy back next week, and I borrow from that thing, or I could pay rent … it’s the 3rd of the month, okay, I could pay rent next time. All right, I got it figured out, right. That was the biggest game I can play.

When things get bigger and more important, I remember after I started this, it was suddenly like three months later I was like, “Oh my god, I haven’t worried about rent in three months.” In fact, one month I was in Vegas for an ASM conference and my landlord called me and went, “Where’s your rent?” I’m like, “Oh my god, I didn’t even think about it. I’m so sorry.” And you know, I had a rent check due. I had one still sitting on my desk. It never even dawned on me. It wasn’t an important thing anymore, it became easier. So as you grow what is important to you in life, I think, at least it’s worked for me, is things like business become easier because they’re not the driving force anymore.

Mike McClary:   That’s a great way of putting it. Some people say what’s your why, why you’re doing this?

Eric Toohey:        Right.

Mike McClary:   Make it something bigger than yourself. That’s beautiful and totally respect that you and Sadie are living examples of true success stories. Not just for your business, not just for yourself, but for all the things you do to help other people too. So thank you so much for sharing that.

Eric Toohey:        Thank you.

Mike McClary:   If you don’t mind, we’ve got some good questions. First off, you’re getting a ton of love on the Facebook live here. Everyone’s loving your story. Several people you might recognize said hello, Rich Henderson, Sonia Hutton, Shannon Burwell, a lot of people.

Eric Toohey:        Hi Shannon.

Mike McClary:   They’re all saying hello.

Eric Toohey:        I love Shannon. She’s my partner. Not literally like, but when we go to ASM events we sit next to each other that’s our … well, I don’t know if she knows that’s our rule, but that’s my rule. I sit with Shannon every time.

Mike McClary:   I’m gonna reach out and ask a couple of questions then. So first off, let’s see, Christina asks how did you decide what you wanted to sell first? Was it just a category that you liked? Or did you look to see what sells best?

Eric Toohey:        Well, in my experience, when you have a husband and wife pair, my wife she wanted to sell something that was meaningful and I didn’t care man. I just wanted to make money. That was kind of my viewpoint. Put one day she looked at me … So we had all these ideas, I think we looked at bicycle pumps, and we were looking at vitamins, we were looking at all sorts of stuff. She asked me one day, she goes, “Well we have like nine products that fit the qualifications. What are you passionate about?”

And it was kind of an interesting conversation because I sat there and I went, “I don’t know.” Ever since I quit playing music, surviving, being a dad, kids? And I started thinking about things that excite me, or things that make me crazy is … There’s a charity I contribute to that helps with civil liberties with kids, and like over drugging of kids, and things like that. So I was like, “well, kids.” Well, I get excited about kids with health and nutrition, so she was like, “Well look, one of these products kind of falls into that.” And that’s how we went with it.

Mike McClary:   Awesome. So you wanted the mix. It had to make money and it had to be something that at least, you know, Sadie, and it kinda got you both interested in.

Eric Toohey:        Right. It was light, and it was small, and it fit the qualifications. The biggest competitor only had a few hundred reviews. There were only a few people at the time doing it. But yeah, it was great. I have a very, very, dear friend of mine out in LA, Long Beach, and his big thing is, he goes, “I’m just gonna get the most unsexy thing you could possibly find and I’m gonna sell that.” Some people are like, “I’m gonna dive right into the most competitive thing. They talk about silicone spatulas? I’m gonna sell silicone spatulas, and I’m gonna show that you can do it.” And I think that there’s a bunch of different ways to go. That’s how we went.

Mike McClary:   Awesome, awesome. Mike Daley’s asking do you sell products that are your own brand or someone else’s brand?

Eric Toohey:        They’re all our brand. We private label, but we do have some input in our designs, so it’s not just something you go and get from Cole Imports and then throw your name on it and throw it out there. Now that is a business model that I know people that do it and are wildly successful at it. For us, we did go the private label route and we did take a basic idea and just go, “Okay, well …” We’ll look at reviews and go, “Well let’s just make this one a little bit bigger, and we’ll put this one a little bit this way, then we’ll make this one that color, and throw our name on it and put it out there.”

Mike McClary:   That’s great. Christina Barton actually asked do you ever design your own products? So it sounds like you do have input into making them [inaudible 00:36:09].

Eric Toohey:        Absolutely. We design all of our own products and that kinda loose, it’s not like we have a designer sitting here drafting up ideas. It’s literally like, “Hey, let’s do it in that color.” “Hey, somebody complained that the size wasn’t right. Let’s extend it by an inch in that direction.” And it’s things like that, nothing major.

Mike McClary:   Someone asked a barcode question. So, have you went the route of getting GS1 barcodes yet? Or are you still using [inaudible 00:36:43]?

Eric Toohey:        Yeah, we do. I’m not taking the chance. I believe in being above board, it’s gonna pay for itself. Yeah, I go GS1 always. Yeah, it’s a little bit pricey in the beginning, but it’s totally worth it.

Mike McClary:   Yeah. It’s a sunk cost, once you get it then you’re don’t got to worry about it ever again, so …

Eric Toohey:        Yeah, ever. I have more than I need to worry about.

Mike McClary:   You know what, and I am with you. Anything that I can do that I no longer have to worry about, I can just check off my list and not look back, it’s worth the expense almost every time.

Eric Toohey:        And here’s the thing. By the time I run out of barcodes that I have paid for, there are UPC codes that I have paid for at this point, I’d better be making so much fricking money that I could care less. I mean, just mathematically it would just be impossible to have to care about that. So yeah, I do GS1. It’s the smart move. Stay above board, man. Don’t get messed with.

This last year, we got messed with a few times on certain things and we’ve got refunded for some, some we haven’t. But stay above board. It just is easier in the long run. Especially with the whole review chain for example, when you stay above board … I know some guys that didn’t stay above board and they got their reviews hacked and their businesses are gone now. They’re getting their butts handed to them.

Mike McClary:   Totally agree. You never want to do something that’s short term. It will come back to bite you.

Eric Toohey:        Right.

Mike McClary:   We got another question from Christina, you mention that there’s a patent on some products, so if you see that does it mean that you can’t put your own brand on it?

Eric Toohey:        I’d look up the patent on it, honestly. You gotta see what it covers. There’s certain things you can’t do. Sometimes you just have to change one little thing and you’re good to go. My brother got served a lawsuit. Now a lot of people that were selling, this particular company, whatever, and it was just literally from the shape. Like it was just a slight shape thing and he decided he wasn’t gonna pursue it any further, changed his shape. But that’s all he would have had to have done, as far as I know. Some things you’re not gonna get around, that’s the design I wouldn’t mess with it.

You just gotta be careful, ’cause you gotta remember China doesn’t have to adhere to the same patent laws as the United States. Like I was in China last April, with Shannon, and I remember one guy trying to sell me this particular product that I knew for a fact had a patent in the United States. He’s like, “No, no, no, no, no. You’re fine, you’re fine.” And then you go to the next guy and he’s like, “No don’t sell that, you got a patent on it.” So it’s also another way to know who you can trust as a manufacturer too. I’ve actually used that, I’ve actually found patented products before and then when I was looking for a manufacturer mentioned, “Hey, I want to sell this.” And see what they say. It’s a good way to gauge whether you’re dealing with an ethical person or not.

Mike McClary:   That’s a great answer, and great way to use that as something to help grow your business. Rich Henderson is asking, Eric, can you share with Mike how to grow a real beard?

Eric Toohey:        Best [inaudible 00:39:51] ever.

Mike McClary:   You rock buddy, and love how you’re always willing to share stuff with your fellow ASM members and other people watching this, so awesome man.

Eric Toohey:        My pleasure Rich. I love that guy.

Mike McClary:   Okay, so another great question from Christina. She’s asking all the right kind of questions. Do you get your products shipped to your home and then ship them to Amazon, or straight to Amazon altogether?

Eric Toohey:        Both. Typically I … This is my wife calling. Hi honey, can I call you back? I’m in the middle of talking to Mike McClary on Facebook Live.

Sadie:    Oh, yeah, no problem.

Mike McClary:   Hi Sadie.

Sadie:    Hi. All right, well I’ll leave you boys to it.

Eric Toohey:        All right.

Sadie:    Okay.

Mike McClary:   That’s awesome.

Eric Toohey:        I wouldn’t have answered anybody else, but I knew she wanted … I didn’t realize she was on FaceTime, it was perfect.

Mike McClary:   The shipping of the products.

Eric Toohey:        Right. I do both. Like over Christmas we launched bunch of new products. I didn’t wanna get hammered on inventory storage fees, so we brought that China shipment here. But typically, I don’t ever lay a hand on my own products. There’s got to be an exceptional reason, and usually it’s only in the beginning of a product just to make sure everything’s good, and then … For example, we had a product that was about this big and it was just barely called an oversized product or … Yeah, an oversized product, which my storage fees … I mean, my FBA fees I think doubled, or no, tripled because it was like an inch too big in one direction.

So I experimented with new packaging that we did ourselves. So we brought them in and then I packaged them myself, and now that I know it works, and I was able to get those [inaudible 00:41:42] shrunk down, so I could get those FBA fees way lower, now I send that type of packaging to the manufacturer and they do it for me.

Mike McClary:   Great, great advice. And what a great way to take advantage of all the knowledge you have. There are little things you can do, like just one inch one way or the other can be a pretty big price increase when you’re selling thousands of units a month.

Eric Toohey:        18 by 14 by 8. Stay under that.

Mike McClary:   You know that by heart now.

Eric Toohey:        Oh my God, and try to stay under a pound, because you go from 2.99 to 4.18 if you’re between a pound and two pounds. Yes, yes, I’ve dealt with that. We had a product that for a long time bordered on that, so every once in a while they would remeasure it and then jack our fees and then we’d literally be losing money, and then you have to go back and get that fixed, and hope that they reimburse you. And then deal with a guy that has some weird, funky excuse to why they can’t reimburse you even though they admit they’re wrong and then … Now I just hire someone and say, “Hey, handle this.” And it’s fine.

Mike McClary:   Another great example of why the community’s awesome, because as soon as you have a problem like that … I always see people posting still, “Hey, my charges went up for storage. I don’t know what’s changed. They’re saying my product’s the wrong size.” And people come in right away and say, “Email them. Measure your product, let them know what the real one is. They’ll go back, remeasure it and then you’ll get reimbursed.” Great example of the community.

Eric Toohey:        Yeah, right.

Mike McClary:   By the way, Athena is on now. Athena [inaudible 00:43:00] we love you. She says two of her favorite people. Thank you so much Athena, you are one of ours as well. I’m gonna mess the name up, it’s P-U-G-A-A-N, Pugaan, says “Hi Eric and Mike. How do you manage quality control and I love the live interaction.” Thanks so much. So how do you manage quality control for your products right now?

Eric Toohey:        In the beginning I got samples and hoped for the best. Since then, I’ve developed relationships with everybody. I recommend touring your factory. If you’re sourcing from China at least make a trip to China eventually and go out there and see your factory. I just started, I met my manufacturer in China with Athena. And we have a great relationship with them. I haven’t seen their factory. When we go back I would love to see their factory. But almost everything we do is sourced in the United States, so we’ve flown out.

I remember one time I called and said, “Hey, I’m gonna be in town tomorrow. I wanna come see you guys.” And I was only in town to go see them, and they’re like … ’cause I didn’t wanna give them a lot of time. I wanted to walk in there and see how things worked. So I manage it because I build relationships with people I trust and I don’t work with people I don’t trust, and really is what it comes down to.

Mike McClary:   Great answer. There’s several ways to handle it. You can hire an inspection service in the United States. You can hire one over in China. Eric sounds like he has faith in his supplier. I’m the same way. My supplier, I’ve built up that trust with them and I know that they’re gonna catch things before we do.

Eric Toohey:        Right.

Mike McClary:   So there’s lots of different ways to do it. And if you don’t know how to do it that’s why we have the training, that’s why we have the community. You can pick the way that works best for you.

Eric Toohey:        Inspectors coming from China, having your stuff inspected, third party inspections I think is a great idea. The only reason we haven’t done it yet is because our first order, half of it’s still in my garage right now. I inspected it myself.

Mike McClary:   You are the third party inspectors, yeah.

Eric Toohey:        And they did a great job so I’m feeling pretty good about it.

Mike McClary:   Awesome. We only got time for like one more question. Christina, your question about small and light, and selling … That only sells for $10, $30, would you start off with that? We actually have the criteria all listed for you on Go there and get the first training video and you’ll actually get a download of the exact criteria. It’ll tell you the BSR’s, best sellers rank, the number of reviews, the size, the weight. It will give you that criteria. So that’ll answer all those questions for you as well. And then the last one we have here from Michelle, so Michelle [inaudible 00:45:34], hey what is your experience Eric, with people hijacking your listing and selling under your own brand?

So real quick, hijacking, everyone knows what that is. It’s a terrible term, I hate it. Don’t worry, we use that all the time, but basically when someone else is selling a product that they’re claiming is yours. We’ve come up with the term hijacking. It was a big problem in the past but I’ll turn over to Eric. How much of a problem is it for you right now? And how do you handle it what happens?

Eric Toohey:        Right now, I haven’t had a hijacker in a while. I have one of my VA’s, she monitors that daily. There’s other tools that will alert me to it as well, but she monitors that daily. We sent out cease and desist letters, 95% of the time they go away. If you launch a brand and you like it, trademark it as fast as you humanly can. I made that mistake. I had an issue with hijackers that … I know guys that do $500,000 to $1 million a month, $1.5 million a month, and they even say I haven’t even heard one story as bad as yours ever. It was awful, and Amazon did nothing about it. If I would have been trademarked, they would have been able to protect me.

So do that. That was an extraordinarily extreme example. It was literally like somebody was making a counterfeit in China of our product. It was a product that was about this big. They were making a counterfeit of it that was that big. It wasn’t even the same product, it was a picture of it on a piece of material. Literally, they just superimposed a picture of my insert onto a piece of … And sold it to them.

So when people got my package it was this big, when they got that package in the mail it was this big. But we’re talking about … People buy a $40 product for $4, and think they’re gonna get the … But whatever. So it got bad. I think Amazon’s gotten a really good strangle hold on that now though. They have made some massive changes. I think they see it now, and yeah. I’ll tell you my little trick to get Amazon to act, but I won’t do it over here.

Mike McClary:   Okay.

Eric Toohey:        Totally legitimate and totally legal, but it lit a fire and got some things fixed for me.

Mike McClary:   I agree with Eric. This used to be a bigger issue, not saying that it’s not an issue at all but Amazon … Think about it, it’s in their best interest to take care of counterfeiters and hijackers because if it provides a bad customer experience it’s bad for Amazon. They’ve got much better. They’ve come out with what’s called Brand Registry 2.0 this year, which is much more … It’s a little harder to get into, you have to have a trademark, but it provides a lot more protections and tools.

Eric Toohey:        That’s what you wanna trademark.

Mike McClary:   Yeah.

Eric Toohey:        Yeah, I mean this … We had to register for our trademark literally like a month before this had started happening, but trademarks take a while. I mean, we just got ours on one of our brands a month ago and this all happened last April. So, anyway.

Mike McClary:   Awesome. So I gotta wrap this up. I’m sorry we can’t get to all of the other questions, but I wanna thank everyone for joining the call here. The numbers kept going up. Eric, thank you again so much. I always enjoy seeing you, talking to you, just hearing your stories. You’re an amazing person. You share and give so much. You have the model of what so many of our ASM members are. Thank you again so much being on the call and I can’t wait to see you again real soon.

Eric Toohey:        Pleasure’s mutual man. Thank you so much Mike. Anytime you need anything, always. People watching, you have to understand that this guy is absolutely not putting on a face for you guys right now. He is genuinely this kind, and genuinely enjoys helping people. The amount of change for the better that I’ve seen in people’s lives as a result of Mike McClary and ASM, and Rich Henderson and those guys, it’s nothing short of extraordinary. If you’re thinking of getting into this, just know that you will be taken care of. There’s nothing like it. I’ve never seen anything like it, and been around a few times. Anyway-

Mike McClary:   Thank you, thank you so much. Feeling’s mutual. Thanks Eric for joining the call. I wanna remind you again, if you haven’t had a chance to see our free training hop on over to There’s four videos on there, each one has downloads of PDF documents. We’ll give you a list of 100 hot product opportunities to show you how easy it is to find products out there. We’ll give you the criteria for finding those products, just like I mentioned to Christina, who’s watching right now. We’ll give you an interview with our freight forwarder, the same freight forwarder that I use, that Rich Henderson uses, that Matt and Jason use.

There’s so much more in there. We talk about, again, our rapid ranking system for launching a product on Amazon. Go get that free training. Even if you decide that you don’t wanna sign up for the full blown course, Amazing Selling Machine, go watch the free training. It’s real live great training, You’ll get a ton out of it. I at least want you to do that so you can open up your eyes and your mind to what’s possible out there. I always want people, and Eric always wants people to think bigger. Think of your why. What you wanna do with your life? Who do you wanna help? How you wanna change the world?

Imagine that you’re already there. I know I did this when I joined. I remember when I watched the very first training … Our free training video like you’re doing, I envisualized my life being changed six months from now or a year from now, and what it was like. It was an amazing feeling. It opened my eyes to what is possible out there. Four and a half, five years later, I’m here helping other people, Eric’s here on a call helping other people, changing other lives, getting involved with children’s charities that he cares greatly about.

There’s so much more than just building a business that you can accomplish, but building this business lets you do those things you wanna do in your life. So please go and watch the free training at least. Then if you do wanna join us in Amazing Selling Machine, there’s so much involved there. We tell you everything involved. There’s an eight week training course that has all the online videos. We have the mentor program. We have people that are actually in there all the time helping out and giving you advice and answering your questions.

Each one of the mentors has sold, at a minimum, all of them averaged together a million dollars in sales. Each one of them, not combined, each one averaged a million dollars in sales. So these are people who run this business that are just not out there, ready to support answering questions. They live and breathe selling on Amazon.

In addition to the mentor program you also get access to our private and exclusive community. That’s where people like myself, and Eric, and Sadie, and so many other people, and Angie and Athena, and Sonia, and all the people watching that you see on these calls, we live and breathe in the community helping each other out, lifting each other up. You will run into those hurdles. You’ll cross all those hurdles. And if you find one that you don’t wanna hurdle over yourself, reach out. We’ll help you do that. We’ll give you the support you need to do it and you’ll realize there is nothing too scary in this business that you can’t accomplish when you have people pushing you forward. That’s why the community’s there.

In addition to that we have something called the private resource vault, gotta think of a name for it, where we give you our contacts for our freight forwarders, our photographers, our videographers, the tools that we use to manage our stats, and our products and our sales. We’ll give you all those that you can actually go out there and contact and use the same tools that we use.

The value for that private resource vault is probably, $9,000, $10,000 alone, us sharing the resources that we use in our business. In addition to all this, if you try the course out … We of course, have a 30 day money back guarantee. I know I sound like a salesman but I wanna just let you know how much of the risk we’re putting on ourselves just to try it out. If, for some reason, after 30 days, you’ll get through at least four, maybe five modules to see if this business is right for you. Any time during that you realize it’s not, contact support get all your money back. No harm, no foul. I hope you don’t do that and I don’t think you will. I think you’ll see exactly the potential that’s out there and you’ll wanna continue forward with it.

But let’s imagine there’s one other thing. You get to the 30 days, you sign up for the course, you get to the 30 days and you’re not quite sure. Because realistically, after 30 days you won’t have your product live yet. I’m being completely honest, you won’t have your product live yet. Hopefully you’ll have your product picked out, you’ll have your supplier picked out and you’ll have placed your order. But if you realize that you’re not quite sure if this is the right program for you, we’ve also created something called The Sixth Month Buy Back Promise. What we mean by that is that, if you wanna continue forward we’re gonna give you a full six months to actually try out your business. Not just the course, try out the business.

All we ask from you is that you follow the course. You do the training, you find your product, you find your supplier, you place your order, you get your product live on Amazon, and you launch your product. You should easily be able to do that within six months. Much, much sooner than that realistically. After six months, you should be selling for a couple months already. But if you realize at that point in time that this business still isn’t right for you, then the six months buy back promise means that we will actually buy your inventory from you and we’ll reimburse you for the cost of the course as well.

So there truly is no risk on you, it’s on us. But I also admit this, I don’t see it as risk. Rich, and Matt, and Jason and I, we don’t see it as risk because we know two things are gonna happen. One, once you realize the business model that’s out there and how much potential is out there with Amazon continue to grow like gang busters, there’s no way you’ll wanna give up your business at that point in time. But two, if for some reason, let’s say it’s just not for you. As long as you follow the course, we realize that we’re buying a product that fits our criteria. You’ve met all the criteria, you’ve launched this all the way up to getting it live on Amazon, it’s a no brainer for us to go out there and buy that product from you, and to reimburse you for the course. Because for us, you’ve saved us all the work. You’ve found a product to launch out there.

That’s why we’re willing to make this promise. It’s a true … It’s no risk for us, and it’s no risk for you, even though I kinda say we’re taking on all the risks. It’s no risk for anyone, because it’s a great way to test out the business. Just make sure that you meet the criteria, you have to action. You can’t just buy the course and not watch the videos, and not take any action, that won’t fly. But if you go out there and you just take action, and do what we teach you to do, then after six months you are still not … You realize this isn’t quite the right business for you, we’ll absolutely buy your inventory off of you, and we’ll also reimburse you. That’s all laid out in the six month buy back promise, you can read all the details right there.

Keep in mind, one very important thing, we have offered this promise before, but right now, that promise is only good for the rest of today. That’s goes away … ‘Cause we just offer it to everyone out there, at midnight, pacific tonight, that’s the last time you can actually get the course, and get that six month buy back promise. That promise goes away tomorrow, so I hope you take advantage of it. Very minimum again, go out there, get the free training. It’s completely free, we’re not gonna … There’s no catches there. All you gotta do is sign up for the free training.

Then I hope you join us in Amazing Selling Machine, hope you check out the course. You’ll see us in there, you’ll see Rich, Henderson, and myself in all the training videos. Matt and Jason around in there, Eric and so many other people in there as well. We’re excited to see as many people as possible join up with us, hopefully changing your lives, and more importantly, like Eric says, then being able to change other people’s lives, and figure out exactly how you wanna see your future, and what it’s gonna be like years down the road. So, I just wanna thank everyone again. Eric, thank you so much for being on the call.

Eric Toohey:        My pleasure.

Mike McClary:   Tell Sadie I said thanks. I know you’re looking forward to seeing your return, get back home from Florida, and I can’t wait to see you guys at a live event. And thanks to everyone on the call. Thanks for joining us, taking this time. And I hope to see as many people as possible in the community, and hopefully even live on other events coming up in the future. Thanks everyone, and I will hopefully see and talk you all real soon. Take care.


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