How to Launch a Product on Amazon

Learn how to launch a product on Amazon with’s Rapid Ranking System. Sellers can utilize this technique to launch their product and potentially get their product listing to (or near) the top of Amazon to  generate sales.

This Rapid Ranking System teaches sellers how they can launch and quickly sell their product by optimizing their product listing, getting reviews, utilizing Amazon Sponsored Products Ads, creating Amazon digital coupons, setting up an advertising campaign with family and friends, as well as on Facebook, and creating offers via a Facebook Business page.

Amazon Launch Strategy
Rapid Ranking System Steps Outlined
Pre-launch Steps
How to Market your Product on Amazon
“Top Amazon Ranking Launch System” Full Video Transcript

Amazon Launch Strategy

Matt Clark and Mike McClary met online for a collaborative Facebook Live training session. 

In the video, Matt and Mike reveal their technique on how to launch a new product on Amazon and quickly get sales by creating Amazon coupons, advertising campaigns, and a Facebook business page, and using it to create an offer. This video presents a raw, live demonstration of the Rapid Ranking System, so that you can trust the feasibility of this process.

Prior to doing these things, you should have already completed the first two steps of the Rapid Ranking System, optimizing your Amazon listing and taking steps to get at least 5 to 10 reviews.

Rapid Ranking System Steps Outlined

Pre-Launch Steps

  • Amazon Product Listing Optimization – Optimize your product title, images, intro, bullet points, description, reviews, Q&A section, and tags.
  • Get Amazon Product Reviews – Reach out to family and friends to get 5-10 reviews.
  • Amazon Sponsored Ads – Turn on Amazon sponsored products “auto” ads.
  • Amazon Digital Coupons – Create an Amazon digital coupon.

How to Market your Product on Amazon

  • Product Launch – Launch your product!
  • Share with your Family and Friends – Email family and friends.
  • Share with your Facebook Friends – Share your product and offer on your personal Facebook timeline.
  • Facebook Business Page Creation – Create a Facebook business page.
  • Facebook Offers – Create and boost a Facebook offer.
  • Sales – Watch sales come in!

Read the transcript below, or watch the video above, to see what the entire process looks like, from start to finish.

“Top Amazon Ranking Launch System” Full Video Transcript

Matt:     Hey, there. Matt Clark here. So we got me and Mister Mike McClary, who is at his home in … Where do you live, again, Mike?

Mike:     Near Saint Louis, Missouri.

Matt:     Hold on one second, we got a few technical things we’re sorting out. Okay, cool. All right, go again, Mike, there you go.

Mike:     Yeah. I live right around Saint Louis, Missouri.

Matt:     Okay, sweet. I’m down here in Austin, Texas. What we’re going to be covering here today if you’re just now joining us is how to basically launch a product on Amazon, and why this is important is because a lot of people come to us, and they’re like okay, yeah, I want to build a business, this selling on Amazon thing sounds awesome, and but how do I beat a big-name brand out there, and so what you’re going to learn today, what we’re going to cover, is going to answer that question. We’re actually kind of giving you a technique that we use to take products from nobody’s ever heard of them before, brand new brand, which you may be starting out with, to ranking potentially near the top of Amazon. This works extremely well. You can do it for the most competitive products, you can do it for less competitive products. It’s just a matter of scale.

We’ve proven this, especially Mike, multiple times, multiple brands, multiple markets, and so you’re going to learn how this thing works. Whenever you’re joining us here, whether you’re watching the replay or live, there is going to be a full replay here, and so in case you miss anything or have to drop out early, you’ll be able to watch this really anytime that you want to right here on Facebook.

Yeah, Mike, maybe you just kind of want to give them a little bit of an intro into what we’re going to be covering here.

Mike:     Yeah. What we’re going to go over is exactly the exact same way that we take a product, and like Matt said that we’re going to launch it, we’re going to take a product and launch it, so that you can start getting lots of views, and people seeing your product on the first, or maybe the second, or near the very top of the search rankings on Amazon.

One of the ways we’re going to do this is kind of scary because Matt and I were talking about this, we’re going to do all this live right in front of you. It’s not going to be a slideshow, it’s not going to be a video. We’re going to log into an account that both Matt and I have for a business that we run, we use it for testing a lot of things, so this is one of those things we’re going to use. We’re going to get in there and create some coupons, we’re going to create an advertising campaign. I’m also going to log into a Facebook business page, and show you how to set that up and create an offer on there, and then we’re going to launch this all and you’ll see it live in real time so you’ll know exactly how we take our products from nowhere to the top of Amazon, and selling almost immediately.

Matt:     Awesome, sweet. So, yeah, so I’m just in here making sure this thing is pinned. I see a lot of people over here that are commenting. We’ve got messages going out and everything. A lot of people joining us, so welcome Marcy, and Dee Rose, Justin, Yuri, and everyone else. As soon as you get here, like and comment below so we know you can hear us loud and clear, and we’re going to be interacting with you throughout this live session. We’re probably going to be going for about 40 to 45 minutes, good solid training in here, and we’ll have some time to answer some questions also.

One thing that we don’t sometimes clarify enough is that you may be sitting there, and I’d love to know by the way in the comments, let us know if you already own a business, especially one selling on Amazon or not, let us know that below. Let us know if you already sell on Amazon, you don’t sell on Amazon, whether you’re watching the live session or the replay, let us know kind of where you’re at with this business.

Because what we’ve kind of figured out is that as long as you’ve got a little bit of drive, a little bit of motivation, then you can absolutely build a business with this model. What we’ve found is there’s a lot of commonalities with the people coming to us learning how to build this kind of business or really any business, is that the ones that are very successful all started with a little bit of drive, a little bit of motivation. You want to change something in your life, and then they basically implemented what we covered, or obviously you can go out there and do it on your own, too, and the reason they wanted this is to have some extra freedom in their lives.

For some people, that may mean that they want to buy a boat, or they want to do something like that, buy a car, buy a house. That’s one level, freedom to kind of purchase whatever they want. Another level of freedom that they want, which I’d be happy if Mike kind of told you an abridged version of his story before we get started, but somebody like him, but somebody like him, he basically is working a corporate job, he’s got a couple kids, a wife, he’s traveling a lot for his job, making good money, so it’s not like he was sitting there trying to live on his last dime, but he wanted more freedom to spend his time how he wanted to, and for him that meant more time with his kids primarily, more time with his wife.

Other people their goal is to basically not be tied down to a specific location, so they have the flexibility to work when they want, where they want, how they want, and they can basically do this whole business with a laptop, so as long as you have a little bit of drive and motivation you can use this system to build a business that gives you that level of freedom, whatever that means to you. That’s really what we’re doing here. That’s what we’re doing with programs we have, that’s what we’re doing with our Facebook page, our YouTube channel, social media, we’re trying to get that message out so that we can help more people like we’ve helped in the past. Thank you very much for joining us. This is going to be a fun time. Without anymore waiting here, I see lots of people commenting and liking, so go ahead and keep doing that, and I’ll start calling some people out here before too long.

Mike, maybe just go ahead, tell them a little bit about kind of your background in case they haven’t heard you before, and then go ahead and jump straight into the training.

Mike:     Yeah, sure. Like a lot of people watching this video right now, I was not always an Amazon seller. As a matter of fact, I didn’t know you could sell on Amazon. I kind of thought it was just for all the big names and big brands out there. I guess about four and a half years ago, I took some free online training, I watched some free online training, just like many of you probably have already seen, and it opened my eyes to the possibilities of what you can really achieve in a very short amount of time with a very little amount of effort.

Now of course if you want to scale and go big, then you can throw more time and more effort into it, but if you just want to have a lifestyle where you’re bringing in a significant about of money to give you the ability to do what you want, well, I’m a good living example because it worked for me. I was a corporate guy, working for a telecom company. I was a director of finance, had a great job. I actually enjoyed working with the people I worked with a lot, a great team, worked very close with them, but I had this bug where I just wanted to do something on my own. I’d kind of always felt that way, but I didn’t know how to do that.

Kind of going out there and really taking that leap, and figuring out what it is you can do to start your own business isn’t always that clear. Luckily, I came across some videos like this one, that showed me what is possible, and that’s what I’m going to be going over today. One of the most powerful methods that we use once you’re able to find a product, once you’re able to find a supplier and get it going on Amazon, this next step in the training is how you launch that product and you really start getting sales. It’s kind of like the final missing piece to the puzzle, that we’ve already taught you.

If you’ve seen the other training videos, you’ve already seen how to find the right hot product opportunities, you’ve seen how to find the right supplier for them from anywhere in the world, how to find even a freight forwarder, how to use the one that we use. You can actually watch an interview of the freight forwarder that we use, that I talked to and asked all the common questions that you’re probably sitting there and having right now. Then this is really the next piece of the puzzle. To put context around this, I want to point out what you may have seen behind Matt Clark’s head there on that screen, it’s a real live screenshot of one of our members, a brand new member, who’s only been selling for a matter of months, and during the holiday period she was able to generate $130,000 in sales. That was basically from October til not even the full end of December, because over over the holidays once it gets to around December 20th and 21st, people can’t get their product shipped in time, so that’s really the end of the holiday season.

That is not a full three months, and so for someone who’s never sold on Amazon, hasn’t done anything to run their own business, was able to take it and totally crush it with one single product on Amazon. The way that she was able to get her product selling is what I’m going to show you next.

Before I go on and actually start telling you exactly how to do this, I want to mention that the lady’s name is Dana, and we’ve already talked to her. She’s going to be on a call with us next week. If you’re watching this right now, however you found this Facebook Live, you want to go to [ 00:08:43], and sign up to get notifications because you’ll get a notification about her being on the call next week. We’re going to have her live, ask her all kinds of questions, and you’ll have the opportunity to ask her live as well any questions you want about what it was like getting started, any hurdles she might have had to overcome, how well things have went for her so far, and what she sees in the future. Be sure to do that, and you’ll se a full interview with her next week.

Now I’m going to get into this, and I’m going to actually start sharing my screen. We are doing something here for the first time we haven’t done before, we’re using a brand new technology for these Facebook Lives, we have multiple people, Matt’s in Austin, I’m in Saint Lou, there’s the video guys behind the scenes. I’m going to be sharing my screen, multiple screens, to show you what’s going to be done. Matt, if you see anything that you don’t see, if I’m talking about it, let me know, and I’ll keep an eye out, but I think I got this down, so let’s start sharing the screen, and I’m going to show you exactly what we’re talking about.

What you should see now is what we’re calling the rapid ranking system, and we’ve put thinking this very easy to follow flowchart for how you take your product from nowhere up to selling and ranking on Amazon. I’ve kind of grayed out a few things in the first couple boxes because these are things that you really want to do before you do a full launch. The very first one is optimizing your product listing. I was actually on a call with Jason Katza, back last week, where we talked about that. We talked about optimizing the title, the images, the bullet points, the description, even the back end search terms. If you haven’t watched that yet, I highly recommend you go back and watch that. We give lots of great tips for doing that.

The next step is you do want to go out and get some reviews, because the listing with even just a few reviews is better than the listing with no reviews. We always recommend reaching out to your friends and family, ask them to buy your product, and give you a couple reviews to get going. If you can get five to ten, that’s great. If you can’t get that many, that’s okay, too. This system is so powerful that we know people that actually launched without any reviews, and they can still get sales going.

After that step, we’re going to be doing something called Amazon Sponsored Product Ads. This is the first thing I’m going to screen share with you. Don’t be worried about if you’ve never run an advertisement in your entire life. Amazon makes this dead simple. Let’s hop over there, and let’s start looking at exactly how to do this. I’m going to go over here and I’m actually going to switch over to my screen.

First off, here’s the product that I’m using as an example. It is a Misto Brushed Aluminum Olive Oil Sprayer. If you look at this, this is already meeting the criteria we talked about. It’s pretty well optimized, they have nice pictures, nice bullet points, and they also have a lot of reviews. Your product won’t have as many reviews as this product has because they’ve been selling for years, but this is a good example for us to use so I can walk you through the process.

If you want a good example of a well-optimized listing, check out the Misto Brushed Aluminum Olive Oil Sprayer. That’s why I’m using it, so you can see it in real time what we’re talking about. What we’re going to do first is I’m live inside of the Fury Fitness Business that Matt and I run. This is inside of our account, and we’re going to show you how to set up an Amazon Sponsored Product Ads.

The way I get to the screen is I log into my account, I go to advertising, and I click on Campaign Manager. That’s going to bring you to this screen right here. The first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to set up our own campaign, and what a campaign is it’s going to allow our product to show up in the search results on Amazon when people are searching for similar products. If people are looking for household kitchen products, or cooking products, or olive-oil related products, our product is going to show up there right on the first page of all the search results. This is a real simple way to get your product selling right away.

I’m going to click on Create Campaign. Now the first thing we need to do is actually give our campaign a name. I want to remind you, by the way, if you can’t keep up with this right now, you joined us late, this video is being recorded, you can always come back and watch it again, and if you haven’t done so already on video number three in our live training series, where we teach you how to launch or rank a product, you can actually watch a full version of this training, and you can download the outline, the rapid ranking system that I just showed you. Don’t worry if you can follow along right now. You can always re-watch the video, you can download that flowchart that I just showed you, it’ll show you exactly how to do everything, and I actually have screenshots in there as well to walk you through these steps.

The first thing, we’re going to give our campaign a name. Let’s call this the Olive Oil Sprayer Campaign. Now the daily budget is the maximum amount we want to spend a day. If you notice, the minimum amount is one dollar a day. If you think you have to spend a lot of money advertising on Amazon, you don’t. Of course, the more you spend the more sales you make. But we’re just starting out here, so I’m going to give it a really conservative budget. Let’s start out just $10 a day. That’s the maximum that we could spend on any given day. You have to give it a start date, and so today is Tuesday, January 23rd. We’ll start with that date. As far as the end date goes, you could put in an end date, let’s say you only want to run this campaign for a week or a month, but wat I like to do just leave these campaigns open-ended. At any point in time, you can go in here and you can cancel it automatically. There’s no real need that you have to go and put in an end date.

Here’s one of the really cool things on Amazon using their sponsored ads. There’s two types of ads, there’s automatic and manual targeting. We’re going to use automatic. What that means is we don’t have to do anything other than that. Manual targeting is when you go inside this campaign and you tell Amazon all the different types of search terms that you think people are looking for who might want to buy your product. Later on down the road, you may really know those search terms and want to enter them yourself. As a matter of fact, we recommend that, later on, doing that, but for now I’m going to let Amazon decide which search terms that my product shows up for. That way makes this dead simple.

We’re simply going to select automatic targeting, go to the next step, and then under the next product to choose we’re going to leave the ad group name, it’s just the default, it doesn’t really matter what you call this ad group name, but I do need to find our product. I’m going to search for olive oil sprayer. I just typed in the word olive, as long as that’s in the title to find it, and we’re going to select that product.

Once I do that you can just scroll down because there’s a few other things we need to tell Amazon. First, they’re just confirming this is the product you’re going to advertise, and then next thing is what is our default bid. What this means is every time someone clicks on our product, what is the maximum we want to pay for one click on our product. They’re going to give you some pretty good suggestions. They’re suggesting 88 cents as a maximum, and they’re also going to tell you the range. They think that anywhere from 46 cents to $3.56 is a really good range to bid on for the maximum cost per click. For me, I kind of like to start off really affordable. I’m going to start off with just 50 cents as my maximum. I can always come back later on and adjust that if I’m not getting any sales or clicks, but let’s start off as 50 cents.

Then when you’re done entering that, you just click on save and finish, and you’re done. Your campaign is now up and running on Amazon. That’s the first step of the rapid ranking system, is just to turn on the Sponsored Product Ads.

Next we need to create something to really incentivize people to buy our product. The way we do that is we’re going to give them a coupon, and this is just a percentage off of your product to really give people a reason to start off buying your product. What that does is when people go to your product, they’ll see they can get this let’s say 40% off coupon, and it’s going to incentivize the buy of it, and that’s going to increase the number of people buying your product, which also increases your ranking and your sales. There’s a brand new type of coupon out there called the digital coupon. This did not exist a year ago for sellers like you and I, but it came out a few months ago. I’m going to show you how to set that up, and it makes it really simple as well.

Let’s switch back over to my seller’s central account, and let’s go to something called digital coupons. Here it is, you actually find it by going to the advertising menu again, and then clicking on coupons, and that will bring you to this screen right here for how do you create coupons. You’ll see that we have one running right now. This just started running about a few weeks ago. Our total budget’s $1000. We’re only giving a 10% discount, and we’ve spent $286, but that’s resulted in over $2000 in sales. That’s actually a really good coupon. Our profit margin is between 25% and 30% for our normal products, so we are making money off of every sale that we are getting through these coupons right now. Let’s go ahead and create a brand new coupon so you can do that for yourself as well.

I’m going to click on create a new coupon. The first thing we need to do is pick the product that we’ll be creating the coupon for. We can just search by the ASIN number or keywords. I don’t remember numbers very well, so I’m just going to type in the keyword, which is Olive, again. There’s our olive oil sprayer. You click on add the coupon, and we click on continue to the next step. The next thing is you can determine whether you want to give people a flat dollar amount off, or a percentage off. I like giving the percentage off. Let’s say it’s going to be a 40% off coupon. Now I also like to limit this to one coupon per customer, that way you don’t have the same person going in and getting the same coupon over and over again. This just kind of protects you, and allows a lot of different people to share in getting your coupon.

Then we need to give it a budget. How much money are we willing to spend on the discount that Amazon is giving our customers, and every time they use a coupon we have to pay Amazon 60 cents. It’s actually a very affordable fee in order to use these coupons, and as you can see earlier on the screenshot I showed you, we’re still giving people a lot of money, even though we’re giving people a 10% discount, and even paying 60 cents to Amazon. The minimum budget is $100, so I’m just going to enter that because you don’t have to go real big on this. We’re going to go for the minimum, and then continue the next step.

Now we need to tell people what this coupon’s going to say when they find it in our page. Amazon already tells us the first part of it. It’s save 40% on … You kind of have to fill in the blank here, finish that sentence. We’re going to say the Best Olive Oil Sprayer.

Over on who do I want to target, do I want to target everyone on Amazon, or just Prime members, or just students, or just moms? What you want to choose, leave it as all customers. That way you get more people, the most people as possible wanting to buy your product. We do need to give it a start date. It’s always three days from now is the earliest you can start, so we’re going to start this on Friday, January 26, and again we can pick an end date. I’m going to pick end of February. Again, I can always come back in and I can extend that end date if I want to, but we’ll leave it as February 28th.

Now we’re going to click on continue to the next step, and all they’re doing here is they are just telling us what our coupon is going to look like, and they’re having us review what we’re doing here. Here’s the title, the budget, start date, end date. The coupon looks great over here, the image look great. I like the title of the coupon, and all we do is click on submit coupon, and we’re done with that step of the rapid ranking system.

Let’s go back again and see where we’re going to go next. Now we’re going to really launch our product. We’ve got our product up and going, it’s optimized, we’ve got reviews, we turned on sponsored ads, we have this coupon that’s going to be live in three days. The next step is I’m simply going to notify my friends and family. I know it sounds like a really minor thing to do, but it works. Even if you get one or two sales from friends and family, that’s an additional sale to get you to the rankings. Let’s go over and take a look at a typical email that you might want to send out to folks.

I need to go to the next tab here. Let’s see how I can get to this, one second. There we go. Here’s an email I wrote to my two good buddies, Matt and Jason. Hey, Matt and Jason, check out my awesome product. I just launched my very own olive oil sprayer on amazon, and I reached out to you and some of my closest friends and coolest friends to see if they’ll want to be the very first ones to get it for a huge 40% discount. If you or any friends like to get in on this incredible deal, head on over to Amazon and pick it up there.

I always like reminding people this is selling on Amazon. Even my friends and family get this. They need a little bit of confidence that they can trust this product and where they’re buying it from, so I mention Amazon all the time. Then I give them the link to the product here, and I remind them to actually go out there and click on that coupon button to make sure they get that discount. This link right here, that’s the direct link to the product. How you find that is really simple. Let’s go look at our product.

Here’s the Misto Olive Oil Sprayer. If you go up to the top of your browser, that is the link to your product, and I simply enter that into the email that I’m sending out. Also I want to point out that if you wonder what I’m talking about what these coupons look like, I have a search here I’m going to show you. This is for some camping kitchen utensils. If you scroll down near the bottom, you’re going to see these little orange tags. This is what a coupon looks like. That’s why I make sure that when I email my friends and family, when they go to the product, all they need to do is click on that coupon button, and that automatically applies that coupon. There’s nothing else they have to do. They’re not going to enter anytime any long coupon code, just click that and the coupon will be applied automatically. That’s why I remind them of doing that.

Once we put that link to our product into the email, all you need to do is send it off to your friends and family, and that is the next step of the rapid ranking system. Also another great way to do this, not everyone checks emails, a lot more people actually go to Facebook, so you simply want to go up there and share this on your personal timeline on Facebook. How I do that is actually really simple as well. Let’s go to my Facebook page. I need to scroll down here and get to it. Bear with me for a second. Here is my Mike McClary Facebook page, and as you can see here all I do is type in something like check out my awesome new olive oil sprayer that I just started selling on Amazon. You can save 40% this week.

Let me show you a really cool thing that Facebook automatically does for you when you put in the link to the product. I’m going to copy that link to the product, go back over to my page, I’m going to insert that into my post on my page, and you’ll notice it says that it’s fetching the preview right now. When I post this on my page, Facebook is going to automatically go out there and it’s going to pull in all the details of the olive oil sprayer, and it’s actually going to put it onto the page. It takes a few minutes for it to show up, but once it does show up it’s going to make the picture look like this right here. This is the picture they’re going to put out there automatically, and when people click on that, it’s going to take them not to the picture, it’s going to take them directly to Amazon onto our actual product where you want them to buy it. It makes it real easy, and it makes it look very, very professional. You simply go out there and post that on your page, and that is the next step of the rapid ranking system.

The next step and the most powerful step is to actually create an offer on a business page on Facebook. If you think creating a business page on Facebook is hard to do, it’s not. All you need to do is simply go to Facebook, and go to this link right here, which is pages-slash-create, or at the bottom of Facebook you’ll see a link on every page that says create a page. If you go there, you’ll simply will be able to create, any person can do this, any person can create a page on Facebook that you can then use to advertise products. You just click on brand our product. The category is going to be in this one, it’s kitchen and cooking. You give it a name, and then I can say the Misto Olive Oil Company, if that’s the name of my company, and then you click a simple click on get started, and it’s going to walk you through creating the page. Anyone can do it. It’s completely free. That’s the next step.

Once you have a page, we’re actually going to create something called a Facebook offer, which is really the secret sauce to getting your product ranked on Amazon. Now I created a page called Ninja Spatulas. Don’t ask me why. Matt Clark kind of gave me the idea about four and a half years ago, and I copied it from him, and I love it, and I even created a little logo and everything. The reason we do this is because when you have a page on Facebook, you can create something called an offer, which is incredibly powerful and incredibly simple. Once you have your page set up, you go to the main homepage of your Facebook page, and at the bottom of here you’ll see this button called create an offer. You click on that, and this is going to create basically a coupon offer that’s going to be distributed to anyone who visits your page.

We’re going to go out there and say all right, check out our awesome olive oil sprayer, and save 40% today. Now we can actually give this offer an expiration date, let’s say we want it to end at the end of the month with a time, and we also can create our add a picture to it. I’m going to go out there, I’m going to add the exact same picture that’s on Amazon. Let’s keep this simple. There’s no reason to make it complicated. There’s a nice looking picture. Now where can people redeem it? The offer can be redeemed in store, if you have a physical store, or online. I don’t have a physical store. The easiest way to make money in this business is to sell on Amazon like we’re teaching you, so we’re going to give people a coupon to use online on Amazon. You check the online box, I’m going to uncheck the in-store box, and then once again I’m going to use the exact same link for our product, and I’m going to put that into this offer.

We no longer need to add a promo code. Back several months ago, we actually had to create coupon and give them to people. Now with these digital coupons Amazon just came out with, we don’t have to do this. It makes it even easier. All we have to do is put in the link. We know that people are going to see that 40% off coupon, and I’m going to publish this offer right on my page. Now as I scroll down you’ll see the offer is now going to show up on our page. It’s pulling up right now. There it is. Ninja Spatulas just posted an offer. Now here’s a way to make sure that even if you have zero people like your page, here’s a way to make sure you can have lots of people taking you up on your offer. We’re going to utilize the incredible power of Facebook.

If you notice, once you have a page and then offer created, there’s a boost post button that’s below your offer. I’m going to click on that, and this is where it gets to be like really amazing. On this page, I’m able to go out there and I’m able to target anyone that I want on Facebook who I think might want to buy my product, and pay a little bit of money to make sure that they see this offer on their Facebook newsfeed. This is how we’re going to do it.

First thing I’m going to do is I’m going to add a button so that when people see this offer they know that they’re going to be buying a product. Let’s say it’s going to be a shop-now button, right there. The link for the product again is going to be the exact same link we put in before. We’re keeping this simple. That’s our product on Amazon. As we do this in real time, this image is being updated. Now they have the Misto Olive Oil Sprayer, they also have the shop-now button that I just added to it, so it looks like a really good professional page, our ad.

Next we need to target the right people. Right now it’s targeting people in India because believe it or not there is a fitness company called Fury Fitness in India, so they probably think this product is one of theirs. We need to go out there and tell people that we want to target people in the United States. Let’s go ahead and edit our audience. I’m going to remove that country, I’m going to put in United States, keep this very simple. There is United States. Now we’re going to be selling this to anyone in the United States. I can also target men or women if I want to for this cooking product. We’ll leave it as both. I’m going to change the age group to let’s say 20 to 56, just because I know that group tends to buy a little more on Amazon.

Here’s where the beauty comes in. I get to target people based on what their interests are. First, the first interest is I want people who shop on Amazon. I’m going to type in, and you’ll see it pulls up as one of the options, and I’m going to click on that as an interest. In order to make this work even better, I’m going to narrow it down even further. I want to find people who not only shop on, but who also like to cook. Let’s go out there and let’s add in another interest here. It’s going to say that we can go out there and narrow down our audience. One second, I’ll do an additional interest here. I want to find those who like to do cooking. If I type that in, you’ll se an interest of cooking, and I can click on that as well. Now our audience size is good. That’s what Facebook is telling us, this is a really good audience. I need to go out there and click on save, and we’ve narrowed down the number of people who are going to see this offer, which is great because I don’t want to show it to people who aren’t interested in cooking or buying on Amazon.

Now once we’re done, we go down here and tell how much money we want to spend. Our total budget can be as little as $10 or $20. I’ll leave it as just $20 for now. I want to run this for seven days. This means that I’m only going to spend an average of $2.85 a day to show this to thousands of people. You can’t start off more affordably than that. That’s just a really dirt cheap way to get your product seen by a very targeted number of people who like cooking and like to shop on Amazon. Once we’re done, I simply click on the boost button, and then our product will go, this ad will go live in just a matter of minutes, and then we will be live selling on Amazon, showing our product to thousands of people on Facebook who like shopping at Amazon and who like to cook. That is the entire rapid ranking system. That’s how simple it is to really get your product out there selling.

Once you start selling a product to the right people and the right number of people come in and buy it every single day, your product will rise to the top of Amazon, and you’ll get more and more sales. Once we’ve done this, and we’ve boosted this, we’re giving away these products for 40% off, you don’t have to do that anymore. You’ll naturally start showing up in the search results, and making sales each and every day.

All right, Matt, that is the rapid ranking system in a nutshell. I don’t think we’ve ever been able to show that in a matter of 15, 20 minutes, but that was live. Remind me later think to go and turn that ad off so I’m not sending people to the olive oil sprayer.

Matt:     We got somebody here. Suma says hey, guys, Mike’s method actually absolutely works very well. I did the same method, and can rank my product on page one in just a few days, highly recommended.

That is pretty sweet. You’re off screen, Jerry? Okay. Cool. Yeah, so we got a lot of comments here, so we’ve got about ten minutes or so, and so now we want to get into some Q and A. By the way, for anybody who joined us a little bit later, there will be a replay here, and so you’ll be able to watch the replay right after, so don’t worry about that. Just stick around right now for the Q and A, and then you’ll be able to watch the whole thing from beginning to end, as soon as we get done live here. Let’s go ahead and yeah, so Euluean says yeah, a lot of neat [inaudible 00:31:55], absolutely true. Dee Rose says very informative stuff. Okay, sweet.

All right, Mike let me get into some questions here. I believe it’s Tray probably says how many competitors is considered too high, especially if the same product has a thousand reviews while others of the same product have less than 500?

Mike:     Well, as a matter of fact when we go over in the first training session on how to pick a product opportunity, you absolutely want to take the number of reviews into account. If you have let’s say that you are selling an olive oil sprayer, that’s actually a very competitive product. If there are multiple sellers with over a thousand reviews, that would not meet our criteria, but if there’s only one seller or maybe two sellers with a thousand reviews, there’s still room in that market. I don’t look at the total number of sellers selling a product out there. I look at who’s at just the very top, and if I can be number three selling a product, if I can be number 5 or number 10, or number 100, that still brings in a ton of sales. As long as you’re not going up against many, many sellers with over a thousand reviews, there should still be room in that particular product and category.

Matt:     Cool. I’ll take this next one. Marcy says have you run ads in Ads Manager? I’ve heard that when you boost a post, Facebook does not reach as many people.

Maybe you want to touch on it, as it’s related to your strategy. I know in general boosting a post is you have a lot more control in Ads Manager over the audience and targeting, and then would typically recommend that for general advertising, but I don’t know if you have anything different specifically related to strategy reviews.

Mike:     Yes. Now at this point I absolutely use Ads Manager, because we have ads running all the time for multiple different businesses, and your right, that is the way to go. However, if you want to get going, boosting an offer like we just did now absolutely works. It is different than boosting a post. On that screen where I showed you, there was you could create a post and boost it. We created an offer, which is different, which is like it’s a coupon to go out there and drive sales. Facebook knows that, so boosted offers do still work very well.

However, once you get into it, and you want a lot more control over targeting your customers, and even the ability to upload coupons, then you would want to switch over to the Facebook Ads Manager.

Matt:     Cool. Looking at the comments over here, I have Facebook open, I look at the comments on Facebook, I see your face over there, but there’s a little bit of a delay so it keeps confusing me. Jay says I have a question. Is the idea not to be profitable initially? With Amazon ads, coupons, and Facebook ads, I would be eating into the profit quite a bit. Do you focus on ranking before profit and let it grow organically?

So I’ll give my take, and then Mike can jump in. It depends on your goals. Some people they can’t afford to not be profitable initially, so they may not see quite as quick of a ramp up, but there is a way to do this where you’re not just continually putting more money into this deal, because there is kind of a catch-up game. You order a batch of inventory, and then you sell it. Say things go great, and say all you do is break even, then at some point you’re going to need to reorder inventory before you’ve sold all the first inventory, even if you don’t lose any money on that first inventory, so that’s kind of more money out the door.

Another way of doing this, which my wife has actually built one of these businesses lately, and she’s run it from day one to be profitable, she’s taking kind of a slow and methodical approach, which is perfectly fine. Her’s has been a kind of slower ramp up, but she’s made money on every single inventory order, including the first one, and so has never had to put more money in. It kind of depends which boat you’re in, but the idea is to not lose a whole bunch of money. The idea either way is to do some sort of ranking and promotion like you learned here, and then hopefully get organic sales and profitable sales that you can really dial in with ads inside of Amazon to take over so you’re basically profitable or at least breaking even at that point.

Mike:     Yeah. Just to add to what Matt said, agree with everything, the way that I look at initial launch is part of my marketing and advertising expense, but even to this date, I have some products that are very competitive. I am not one of the people who’s going to go out there and give away hundreds or thousands of products to launch a product. There are people like that, like Matt said. If someone comes in, and they want to turn this around and get ranked to the top, and selling thousands and thousands a day or month right away, you can do that by giving away thousands of products, but I would say 99% of the people that we work with and talk to and train, they don’t want to do that. You can do this with a very controlled approach. One thing to keep in mind is that when you give a discount on a product, you don’t spend the exact same amount of money to Amazon you do for every normal sale, because if you’re giving 40% off, the Amazon fees are also prorated down by 40%.

They normally take 15% of a sale. What they would take in that case is 60% of 15% of a sale. That also goes down. Your FBA fees stay the same, but you don’t spend as much when you’re giving coupons as well, so you’re not losing as much money as you think.

Matt:     Cool. Let me see here. Jane says how do we control the amount of products that we push each day in this strategy?

Mike:     That’s always a concern. The first way that I do it is by not being too aggressive with my percentage off. If you go out there and offer 75%, 80%, 90% off, then you may need to go a different route and create what are called one-time coupon codes. That way you control exactly how many are given away at a discount each day. Also, inside of Amazon Seller Central, you have the ability to go in and you can’t limit how many products you sell in a day, but you can limit how many one person can buy. There’s something called a max order quantity. You can lower that to one or two, so one person can’t come in and use 40% off. Then a third way to control that, there’s always lots of ways at Amazon to do many thing, the third way is as long as you set that budget on these coupons to be $100 or maybe $200, once that money runs out it will not sell anymore products at that discount. That’s the other way.

One of the things that we’re testing right now is setting up these digital coupons so they start and expire the very next day. We control exactly how many products you sell each day with different coupons, and once they’re out they’re out that day, and then they kick back in the next day. There are lots of different ways to do this. You kind of gotta choose which one’s the best for you.

Matt:     Great. Jessica Hudson says in the ASM course do you teach different criteria for the product research for markets outside the US? I’m in the UK, so will the numbers be different?

Yep, the numbers will be different, but the process is exactly the same. There’s going to be a little bit less volume happening over in the UK and Germany and Japan, Amazon’s other big marketplaces. Other than that, the process is basically exactly the same. We now recommend if you’re in one of those places like the UK, it sounds like you may be there, then we recommend probably starting with the UK.

We had another similar question here. Somebody was saying for a Canadian, should I start on, and our answer would be no. Most likely, you would start on in the US, just because it’s a little bit easier than maybe going over to Europe or somewhere like that, but is just not enough volume there for it to be really worth your time. You want to make sure that you stay pretty focused, you start off with one brand, one product, one marketplace in the, UK, CA, et cetera. Start off with one of all of those. Keep things simple, and so you don’t want to do all this work and then find out that there’s just not enough volume, and so we recommend, likely if you’re in Canada, but not at this point anyways.

Let’s see here. Lots of questions still coming in here. John asks do you have a video showing how to transport products from the manufacturer to AMazon’s warehouse?

I’ll let you take that, sinc I’ve got a siren going on here, Mike.

Mike:     We don’t have a video showing you how to do that, but we do have an interview with a freight forwarder, who takes care of all that for you. What we recommend is you don’t go through all those steps. Hire a freight forwarder. They’re very affordable, their fees are built into the entire transportation cost of the product. You simply find a good freight forwarder. We give you one in the audio interview that we provided, and you let them contact your supplier, let them deal with getting everything shipped into the United States, and also getting all the way to Amazon. That’s what we do, hire someone who does that for a living. It’ll make your life a lot easier, and it is affordable.

Matt:     We’ll probably be able go get a couple more questions, and we’ve got to run here. Rosanna says do you create different websites, Facebook pages, for each segment, let’s say kitchen versus tools, and how do they relate to your company-slash-corporation?

My recommendation, I’m pretty sure Mike is on the same exact page, is that ideally each brand has its own Facebook page, it’s own website. That kind of makes the most sense. You kind of think of it like Proctor and Gamble, if you’re familiar with them. They own these massive brands out there that we find in stores, Tide and that kind of thing, and so they would all have their own pages. The holding company, more or less, kind of sits in the background. If you’re just getting started, you’re literally going to have one brand, and that means you only need one website and one Facebook page.

One of the reasons we recommend starting very narrowly focused is that, sure, your second product, and somebody else asks, we can answer that one probably after wrap-up, at what point do you consider adding a second product, and so maybe I’ll let you take that one, Mike, after I finish up here, and so if you’re going to add a second product, and you’re like you know what, there’s a great opportunity over here, completely different market, different brand would be needed because maybe this one’s electronic, so this one’s beauty products, since you can’t really have the same brand there, you’re like it’s just another product, what’s the big deal? Well, one of the problems is you have two brands you have to manage. Then you have likely two different kind of customer service systems, then you also have different social media accounts, different website, versus just adding another product to an existing brand keeps your life a heck of a lot similar [sic].

You can use the same social media assets, you can use the same customer lists to leverage, to sell more for your new product, as opposed to the other one that may not cross over very well. You’re starting to build a brand that’s actually valuable. The situation people get into is they’re like yeah, I’m doing well on Amazon, I’m doing a few million a year, but it’s spread amongst a bunch of different brands. It’s a lot harder to sell that business if you want to than it is if you just have everything under one brand that’s producing the same amount of revenue. A few things to consider.

I guess, yeah, Mike for the last question. At what point do you start considering a second product? Jorge wants to know.

Mike:     I’ll tell you what, I’ll actually give you a very simple, if you want to know the simplest way to look at it. As soon as your one product is selling 10 to 20 units a day consistently, that is a good time to start looking at adding a second product. That’s the simplistic answer because a lot of times people want to know exactly when is the right time. If you’re selling 10 to 20 products a day for let’s say a period of two months, that’s the right time to do it.

Now, the longer answer is you also need to make sure that your cashflow can support that, because you will have to order two different products, keep up with the inventory. You need to know what your profit margin is off that first product, and what your MOQs are, your minimum order quantities for ordering the second product. That will factor into it, but it should play up to that 10 to 20 a day.

Matt, I believe next week we’re actually going to have someone on, another live call, that is going to be talking exactly about this, how to really blow up your brand in order to really start selling a lot of products so that you can then sell your entire business if you want to. He actually is the one who taught me the general rule of 10 to 20 products a day is the right time to do it, and he’s going to be on talking in much more detail next week in one of these Facebook Live sessions in order to give you more information on exactly how you increase your brand by adding more products, when’s the right time to do that, and then the added benefit, when’s the right time to sell your business. Hopefully that gives you good enough answer.

Matt:     Yeah, absolutely. So he was basically able to build one of these businesses from nothing to a couple million dollars, and was able to actually sell it for a good amount of money, so a really cool person to learn from. We’re going to cover brand expansion in one of the Live sessions next week. Make sure you like our Facebook page. That’s how you’ll get notified by those. If you haven’t already, head over to, it’s in the video description below, and get access to the free four-part video series, and the list of 100 red-hot product opportunities. If you want to learn how to build a business on Amazon and you haven’t done that yet, you are missing out. Jump over there right now, click the link in the description below, or just go to, check it out. You’ll see a free training link there, and that’s how you get all that stuff completely free, lots of bonuses.

Thanks a lot for watching. Hopefully you catch one of our other live sessions. You can catch the ones we’ve already done, or you can watch the replay of this one. Other than that, we’ll see you soon, and hope to see you on another live session.

Mike:     Thanks.


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