How to Increase Sales on Amazon

Guide Contents:

  1. Amazon SEO
  2. Amazon PPC
  3. Make Sure You’ve Got The Right Product
  4. Improve Product Photos
  5. Get More Reviews

Looking for the secrets on how to increase sales on Amazon? Here are 5 areas of your listing to access if you’re going to improve your sales. Decide if you’re crushing it in all of these aspects, and if you’re not, focus on your shortcomings first. This quick post on how to increase sales on Amazon offers an overview of both Amazon SEO and Amazon PPC.

Think about the core concepts of Amazon SEO and PPC, like are you targeting the right keywords? Are you sure you’ve got a viable product in the first place? Could you skyrocket your sales with some improved product photos and additional positive reviews?

Let’s take a look at some fundamental improvements you can make to increase conversions, and sales. By the end of this guide you’ll have a better understanding of how to increase sales on Amazon.

Amazon SEO

You’ve probably heard of SEO for Google, but Amazon SEO, who knew? Amazon SEO refers to optimizing your brand’s product listings to climb to the top of Amazon’s search results. There’s a couple of basic improvements you can make to your listing to ensure you’re doing everything you can to compete for the #1 ranking.

So the keywords you’re targeting are at the heart of your Amazon SEO campaign. Make sure you’re targeting the right keywords before you move on to improving anything else. Check on the volume of searches for the keywords you’re focused on, as well as the relevancy to your products.

When optimizing your product listing to meet Amazon SEO guidelines here’s what you should take a closer look at:

  • Quality, Informative Product Images: Just like the title, the first image needs to grab the customer’s attention. Amazon allows sellers to display 8-9 pictures, and sellers can optimize their listing by using all image slots. Image slots should include a photo of the product as well as lifestyle images that give a customer a sense of how the product works in real life, showing the product in different situations. Sellers should also look at competitor images, find flaws, and improve their product listing.
  • Bullet Points: The bullet points are an opportunity for the sellers to create a desire within the customer. Sellers should list the benefits and features of the product, starting sentences with high impact phrases that summarize the benefit of the product.
  • Amazon Product Description: The best kind of description is enhanced by brand content. This content includes images, videos, large paragraphs, and a call to action. Sellers should not repurpose the same images from the original image slots but optimize by getting new angles and images of the product. Avoid large, compacted paragraphs, so that you keep customers’ attention.
  • Optimizing Amazon Review Section: Sellers should comment back on reviews, especially bad ones. Personalizing the customer experience helps beat big brands. Even commenting on good reviews allows sellers to optimize their listing and add additional information.

Amazon PPC Strategy

We recently put out a fantastic guide to creating your first Amazon PPC Campaign, so check that out if you haven’t already. In it, we show you the best sponsored product ads setup, how to use dynamic bidding, and how to run a profitable Amazon PPC campaign in general. Here’s just a glimpse of the core concepts covered in our Amazon PPC guide:

  • Best Sponsored Product Ads Setup
  • Suggested Bidding
  • Sponsored Ad Placements
  • Dynamic Bidding Settings
  • Product Display Ads
  • Automatic Campaigns

Make Sure You’ve Got the Right Product.

For a quick refresher on product selection for Amazon, check our guide to the best products to sell on Amazon. Here’s a quick checklist to reference and determine if your current product idea is viable.

  • Selling Price: $15-70: allowing for healthy profit margins that do not break the bank when purchasing more inventory.
  • Best Seller Rank: Ranked between 500 – 5,000. The lower the number, the more popular and competitive the product will usually be.
  • Weight: Less than 3 pounds, lighter weight means lower shipping costs and high-profit margins.
  • Reviews: Less than 1,000 reviews, to avoid super-competitive products.
  • Amazon Product Title: The title should grab the customer’s attention. It should contain more than five words, with top-level keywords included. Sales can easily be missed if a seller does not use at least three key search terms in the title.

Improve Product Photos

Improving your product’s photos is a critical part of Amazon listing optimization, Amazon SEO, which we already covered. Product images ultimately represent your brand in a big way. They’re critical to increasing sales on Amazon. Generally here’s what you should think about when planning your product photos:

  • Lighting: Whether you’re using natural light or require a professional studio setup, think about the lighting you need to improve your product photos.
  • High Resolution: Obviously, you want to keep the image quality as professional as possible. If you’re not entirely familiar with photo shoots, this is easier said than done. Check the settings on your camera, and take a look at the image file sizes after the session, make sure you’re shooting as high resolution as possible.
  • Different Angles: Study the competitions photos and see what types of angles they’re using. Likely, other sellers have already found a sweet spot for photographing a particular product. Plus it’ll give you more fresh ideas before you shoot. You can also look at some general product listings for high selling items in your niche to plan your angles.
  • Tripods: Tripods make a massive difference when it comes to the quality of your product photos. Luckily professional tripods are not all that expensive either. For about $30-$50, you can purchase a tripod for your photo studio that will perform exactly as you need for shooting product photos.
  • Professional Cameras: Your camera’s quality will make or break your final product photos. It’s often the case that even if you have a professional camera, your stock lens won’t cut it, so consider upgrading your camera lens too. A professional camera setup with a high-end lens will run you approximately $600-$700 on the absolute lowest end of the price spectrum.

Get More Reviews

Like product photos, product reviews are an integral part of Amazon SEO, so it’s essential to put a strategy in place to gather as many positive product reviews as possible. You probably don’t have nearly enough positive product reviews needed to improve your product’s rankings on Amazon. We recently published a guide on how to get reviews on Amazon and you should check that out before beginning any plan.

Here’s a brief overview of some quick wins when it comes to gaining Amazon product reviews:

  • Find and Engage with People: It’s critical to understand who you’re selling to because your ideal customers hang out somewhere online. You can join already formed groups or consider forming your own Facebook group and inviting the type of people you’re looking for who’d be interested in your product.
  • Enroll in Early Reviewer Program: This is one of the best ways to get 5-star reviews, especially if you’re an entirely new brand and need your product eyes. On launch day, spend the $60 for this service, and you’ll see it’s one of the easiest ways to get your first 5 star reviews.
  • Product Inserts: Whether you send people to it’s essential to either bring these customers into an email list so you can make them aware of future product releases and entice them to leave a positive review for your product.
  • Engage Customers: It’s not enough to just ask for a review. Try to engage with your customers on a deeper level than just asking for something without offering them anything in return.

The key to increasing your positive reviews on Amazon is patience and perseverance. It might sound cheesy, but it’s true, stick with it and be patient because boosting your positive reviews is your best bet at increasing sales on Amazon

Increasing Sales on Amazon

Tried everything but still no luck increasing sales? Consider having our team of listing experts optimize your Amazon listings for you, remove the guess work if you’re unsure. Our Expert Listing Optimization is perfect for sellers who want to scale their business risk-free. Improve your conversion rate and instantly generate more sales with a properly optimized high converting listing.

Save yourself the hassle of tweaking each element of your Amazon listing until it’s performing perfectly, just leave it up to our experts. Plus, once you see the changes we make you’ll know how to optimize your listings best moving forward!

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