How To Get Reviews On Amazon in 2020

Guide Contents:

  1. Tip 1: Find & Engage with People Online
  2. Tip 2: Enroll in Amazon’s “Early Reviewer” Program
  3. Tip 3: Run a Competition Using Facebook Advertising
  4. Tip 4: Include an Enticing Offer with Your Product Insert
  5. Tip 5: Engage Customers Instead of Just Asking for a Review

Positive reviews on your Amazon listing are the lifeblood of your business. There’s nothing more powerful and effective at cranking up your sales than a customer posting publicly that your product is the best.

Simply put, it’s proof that your product is worth buying and helps more customers choose your brand over the competition.

Here are 5 easy strategies you can use right now to gain a competitive advantage and make more sales. The first one you can use BEFORE you even launch your product!

Tip 1: Find & Engage with People Online

Review getting strategy number one, it starts with understanding who you’re selling to. I’m a big believer in building a brand on Amazon not just selling a product and to do that you need to understand the customer you’re selling to. Now those customers will hang out somewhere, so let’s say you’re selling to moms. Generally they’re hanging out in Facebook groups, hashtags, on Instagram, maybe even old school forums.

Go and find your people and put together an offer inviting product testers to join your tribe. Then simply put together a Facebook group, and use Facebook lives to involve your tribe in the journey of developing the products that you’re creating to sell on Amazon.

You can do this months before you even launch on Amazon and by the time you get live, and by the time you come to launch on Amazon, you could potentially have a couple hundred raving fans that want you to succeed. They want your product to exist and they want your brand to do well so invite them to order your products. You maybe need to offer them a rebate or a cash back offer and then follow up by asking them what they thought of the products and could they leave a review?

Tip 2: Enroll in Amazon’s “Early Reviewer” Program

Review getting strategy number two. Now this is a simple one yet very effective and that’s the early reviewer program on Amazon. Some people are a bit scared of using this program, however I found, providing you focus on product quality, this is a very easy way of getting five star qualified reviews and it only cost $60. So go into Amazon Seller Central as soon as you launch day one, don’t worry about having any reviews and order that service.

Tip 3: Run a Competition Using Facebook Advertising

Review getting strategy number three. This comes down to using Facebook advertising, so before you launch you could run a competition offering a high perceived value product. This is something that your customer would really want to use, don’t just use something generic that’s just going to attract competition junkies.

Use something that’s very relevant to your market and build a list of subscribers in either an email list or many chat. In messenger bring them in, nurture that relationship and again include them and involve them in the development of your product and when you launch your products offer that same list of people a rebate on your products and follow up for a review.

The reason this is so powerful is you’re now not reliant on using Amazon’s messenger service to follow-up which has lots of restrictions. You can control the conversation you’re having with your customer list.

Tip 4: Include an Enticing Offer with Your Product Insert

The fourth and possibly most powerful review getting strategy is one that’s been around a while and that’s product inserts. Now it’s not just the fact of having a product insert, it’s what you say on the product insert. You want to create an offer that has a very high perceived value and that’s not a set and forget activity. It’s not like you have to set it and you can never change it.

For your first batch of inventory you can create a very aggressive offer. It might even be another free product. The power of referrer superiority and then you could change that offer as time goes on, as you build it, or your review base, and put more soft offers in there like an extended warranty. Whatever the offer is you want to make it enticing enough that that customer will take out their phone and take the action you want them to.

Whether that’s go to a website URL, scan a QR code now, whatever they do you want to bring them into a list. Again my preference is ManyChat messenger because of the open rates and again you can nurture that relationship. Set timed messages to follow up and find out, did they receive the products okay?

Did they like the products and would they leave a review? You’re taking control of that conversation. You’re not relying on Amazon’s messaging system and you’re gonna have a constant consistent flow of reviews as a result of owning that conversation.

Here’s an extra tip when capturing that subscription. Don’t forget to get their email address and their cell phone number. With the upcoming messenger changes you won’t be able to send those broadcasts after a 24 hour period.

Tip 5: Engage Customers Instead of Just Asking for a Review

Finally here’s something very simple we’re testing right now. So with the recent changes Amazon has made to its Terms of Service you’re able to include links in your follow-up emails. We no longer ask for a review and give a link in our follow-up emails, but instead we send one follow-up email and our objective there is to make that person smile and get a positive response from that person.

We want them to reply to that message so think of ways in which you can bring personality through in your brand’s messaging. How can you engage your customer? How can you make them feel good and maybe put a smile on their face? Once you see that positive signal you can then use the brand new, request a review button inside of seller central to let Amazon do its thing and follow up and ask for that review.

Now I’m not saying you need to wait until you get a response, that review button is very powerful. If you can deliver that positive engagement you’re much more likely to receive a positive response from that customer. So those are my five review getting tips. If you want to access more free training like this, more valuable training, and get access to a training system that gives you that all the info you need to develop and set up this entire business check out Amazing Selling Machine!

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