How to Drive Traffic to Amazon With Content Marketing

Learn how to drive traffic to Amazon through content marketing. Jason Katzenback introduced Shane Oglow and Norm Farrar to explain how to maximize content to drive traffic and sales to your Amazon listing (while minimizing marketing efforts). They share the importance of maximizing a single piece of content, their step by step guide for maximizing content, and additional insights to make sure content is driving Amazon traffic and sales.

Amazon Content Marketing
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Maximizing Each Piece of Content
Step by Step Guide for Maximizing Amazon Content
Expert Content Maximizing Steps
Use Press Releases to Further Maximize Content
Tips for Using Influencers
Additional Content Marketing Tips
Discover the #1 Mistake Sellers Make That Destroy Their Marketing Momentum – Full Video Transcript

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Maximizing Each Piece of Content

This is what most people are currently doing: getting an article, boosting the posting, waiting for it to go viral and never seeing results.

The best way to get results is to get information in front of people on a consistent basis and to not be afraid of recycling content.

Step by Step Guide for Maximizing Amazon Content

  1. Write an article or have an article written
  2. Get an influencer to post on their social media networks
  3. Put article on own blog
  4. Post article on brand Facebook page
  5. Schedule Facebook post 5 times or more as long as new people are seeing the post
  6. Post article on Twitter
  7. Create landing page for the article
  8. Create Facebook, Google, and Bing ads to drive traffic to the landing page and drive traffic directly to Amazon

Expert Content Maximizing Steps

  1. Have an influencer create a review video based on the article created
  2. Influencer posts review on YouTube and other social media channels
  3. Add video to your website testimonial page
  4. Create a blog post based on video review
  5. Share the video across social media platforms
  6. Share the new blog article across social media platforms
  7. Share the new blog article on Facebook and schedule to post 5 more times
  8. Share the video on YouTube
  9. Create a Facebook video ad from the video review

Use Press Releases to Further Maximize Content

  1. Get a press release written about the video review
  2. Publish press release
  3. Share press release across social media platforms
  4. Schedule press release to post on Facebook 5 times
  5. Share press release on brand blog


Tips for Using Influencers

Norm recommends sourcing influencers who reach your target audience. There are two kinds of influencers: regular influencers and micro-influencers.

Regular influencers have a larger social media following and get paid to post. Micro-influencers get products for free and accept the product as a form of payment. Sellers should use multiple influencers who reach different followers, to maximize content impact.

You can directly tell influencers what to say and how to promote a product or article, whether it’s narrative, a contest, or something else. Make sure you provide specific instructions for influencers, to make sure they highlight important product features and brand assets.

Additional Content Marketing Tips

  • If a post is not getting engagement, change the title or thumbnail to engage viewers in a different way
  • Combine multiple influencer review videos to create a video testimonial as an advertisement.
  • The quality of the content and consistency determines success. Do not spam low quality content, just post consistently, even if that is only once a week.
  • Avoid changing your voice with your audience. It is essential to know your demographic and how to speak to them!

Discover the #1 Mistake Sellers Make That Destroy Their Marketing Momentum – Full Video Transcript

Jason K.:                       And live. Hi everyone, Jason Katzenback here, and hopefully you can hear me loud and clear. On this Facebook Live, I’ve got a really cool thing for you, we’re going to be sharing a really awesome tip that I know has made a dramatic effect in our business. It’s something that I used to preach years ago, it was what helped me early on in my business to really dominate from a search engine optimization perspective.

Jason K.:                       But now with Amazon, it’s a super powerful strategy, and it’s something that’s going to save you time, energy, frustration and everything. And you’re going to learn this strategy in about 10 minutes with Shane and Norm. But before I get to that, I want to remind you, on Thursday, I would love you to join Norm, Shane and I, as we have a bootcamp that we’re putting on.

Jason K.:                       And on this bootcamp, essentially what you’re going to be learning is how to change your business into a traffic and customer magnet with only one strategy. It’s a very powerful strategy. I know Norm has really perfected it. We’ve used it. We’ve been working with Norm, it’s extremely powerful. But the other cool thing is, on this bootcamp, you are also going to learn three lies that you’ll have to avoid, because these are causing crippling actions to happen in your business if you are making these mistakes.

Jason K.:                       And it’s something that’ll just make a profound impact on your business. So with that being said, what I would like to do is, I’m just going to … I don’t know, Michael can I share my screen? Is there … Yep. There we do. I’m going to share my screen. There we go. What I want you to do is go to And on there, you are going to see a video with Shane and Norm that talks about this.

Jason K.:                       And you’re going to want to sign up ASAP because at this time … as you see here, it starts on May 24 at 1:00 p.m. and the price is going up. For right now, you can register for only $67. Only $67, get access to this. It’s going to be full on amazing training, but as soon as the doors close, we’re bumping the price up to a minimum of $97, many of them $127. No question. Absolutely no exceptions.

Jason K.:                       As soon as the workshop is live, the price is going up. So you’re going to want to sign up right away. But let’s get back now to Norm and Shane. I’m going to stop sharing. And I paused it on that screen, just add some enjoyment. So I hope Shane you enjoyed that screen shot that I paused here find on. I thought you’d like it. So Norm and Shane, thanks for being here, guys. Always a pleasure to have you. If you could, I just really would love to hand the mic over to you and so you could share your wisdom.

Jason K.:                       And please, everyone, have a pen and paper. This is not some link bait or bait and switch kind of thing, you’re actually going to learn a real strategy here. They’re going to talk about something that I know myself has made a tremendous impact on my business over the years, and you are going to want to listen. So take it away.

Shane Oglow:               Awesome. Thanks, Jason. As I was sitting here listening to you talk, I realized … I know a lot of tasks sometimes when you’re running your Amazon business can seem mundane and become routine. But once you start work with Norm, this kind of became a lot of fun. It wasn’t nearly as hard as those big gray kind of, “Oh, I’m not really sure what to do.”

Shane Oglow:               He just kind of has a way of crystallizing and breaking it down at a granular level. It’s really a lot of fun and it’s easy, and it makes a big difference in your business. So I’m just going to here exit and I want to share my screen in a moment. Share screen. You guys can see the slide? Awesome. Cool. Before I began working with Norm, I didn’t even know it, but I was approaching content marking from the wrong angle. And the comparative results are really what hit home and showed me that was true.

Shane Oglow:               It’s the same thing with so many sellers that I speak with, and they’re doing exactly what I used to do. And basically, it’s getting buried in that never ending process of getting content created. I felt that I had to just constantly come out with the newest, freshest thing every single day and pump it out. And that meant going through writers and photographers and video people, etc, whatever type of content you are making.

Shane Oglow:               And I was always trying to keep people on task and on time and it was a constant, a never ending job of seeking out and following up with these people if I wanted to have that steady stream of good quality stuff. So I get my content, I put it out there, I’d share it maybe one or two or three different channels, and then I’d move on to the next piece of content that I was lining up. But I was only getting really mediocre results with the content that I was putting out, even though it was decent quality.

Shane Oglow:               As we’re going to cover in Thursday’s workshop, getting good quality content is really only half the equation. So I was talking to Norm, he was having really good results, and he showed me some of the content that he was producing. And I just couldn’t understand it. I couldn’t understand why he was getting better results. His content really didn’t seem any better than what we had going on. The problem I was having, and what we’re whenever to share with you today is that it wasn’t the content itself that was necessarily the problem in this case.

Shane Oglow:               I just wasn’t squeezing all juice out of each piece of content. So I’d go out, I’d get a video made, for example, or a press release, or an article, whatever it happened to be, and I’d post it on our Facebook account, maybe in our blog. Perhaps I’d boost a Facebook post on occasion. Then I’d kind of sit back and wait until it was bound to go viral and become the next internet sensation, the cash flow would be flowing in river.

Shane Oglow:               And I did what most people were and are still doing. It may seem like a good thing. We were slowly growing our social media, we were doing our best to start conversations and keep people engaged and keep the content fresh and interesting, which is … we weren’t getting out in front of enough people in our target group on a consistent basis. That was the crux of our problem. And Norm showed me what he was doing at the time with pretty much the same types of content, but he was killing it.

Shane Oglow:               What he did was, he made sure that he leveraged each piece of content to the max, and then you know what he did? He recycled the same thing. Yep, this lazy sonso, he wasn’t even spending all his time chasing the next contest piece like I was. He was blasting it out again. Now, it was usually repurposed by making some changes and tweaks to it, but he wasn’t engaged in that whole running around, trying to get a new piece of content every single day game the way I was.

Shane Oglow:               This is one of the ways I’m going to show you how to maximize the content that you are creating. This is how you’re going to streamline with content activity. This is how you establish a presence and become an authority to consistent delivery of targeted content. It’s also, hey, you can build raving fan base, and it’s also how you start to make that shift and changing your content from talking at people to talking with them.

Shane Oglow:               So let’s just jump in. That the background story to how we got here now. I’ve got a few slides here. We’ll probably be about 15 minutes, but this example is very typical of what we’re doing. It requires nothing special. You don’t need any special tools, you don’t need to be an internet guru or any kind of skills. It’s something that every single one of you watching, you probably pretty much do regularly. By no means is this example that I’m about to show exhaustive. Nor do you have to do every single step.

Shane Oglow:               I’m sure many of you could find further ways to leverage what I’m going to show you well beyond what we’ve done. But you can easily copy what we’re doing and implement the exact same thing in your business starting today. And that’s what’s so powerful about it. I’m going to get started here on the slide show. So the first example I want to share with you is, we go and we create an article. You can write this article yourself, you can have it written in Fiverr or Upwork or anywhere you want.

Shane Oglow:               You get an article, we start from there. We go out and we find an influencer or influencers, and I’ll have Norm talk on this in just a moment to post the article on and through their social media network. Actually, Norm, why don’t you jump in and just talk a little bit, because a lot of mistakes that people make, they’ll go and find an influencer, they’ll find a piece of content, but they might not be happy with it or it might not be directed at the target market, might not be speaking in the current terms to your niche.

Norman F.:                   Sure. First of all thanks for having me Shane, Jason. Yeah, I love talking about this stuff. Just going back, when we go back just once, I want to talk about that article and getting that written. If you’re going out and if you’re doing it yourself and you are a great article writer, great. Most people can go out and just do the article. But if you’re going out there and you want to spend a dollar on an article, you’re going to get garbage and it’s isn’t going to work.

Norman F.:                   Same with content. When you were writing the article, go take a look at and look at those 25, 5,000 word articles. Not you have to do it, but if you can really make content and value, that’s what you need to build. Your content is all based on a value proposition that you’re going to give. It’s the same thing when you open up an Amazon product, your product, the customer experience, same thing over with an article.

Norman F.:                   Now, to get the influencers. There’s a lot of different ways that you can get them. It’s not hard. You can go on any social network, you can easily find an influencer on social network, you can usually find, maybe it’s a post that’s trending or it’s something that’s being shared quite a bit. You can go into a marketplace, there [Intelefluence and Tomilson 00:10:42]. They have, I think Tomilson has probably 120,000 influencers, and then you can pick at all different price points.

Norman F.:                   So there’s lots of things that you can do. Once you find that influencer, you can get that influencer to do pretty much anything; you can get them to specifically talk about certain things with that article, you can get them to talk about your product. You can tell them … think about this, say that you’ve been going and you’ve noticed that there’s been some negative reviews, or you do your research and you find your negative reviews from your competition. How about getting those influencers to talk about reputation management?

Norman F.:                   So there’s all the different ways that you can set up that post to talk to the influencer and say, ‘Okay, look, we found the influencer, now we want to get that influencer to package this up and broadcast it out to their network.” One of the really cool things that we’re doing right now is we’re sending out the post to the influencer, and were saying, “Hey, we’ve got an article. Here’s the copy that we wrote for you. Here’s the image that we want you to post. We’re using your network and we’ll pay for that, most times, and you’re going to blast it out, and we’re going to get all the benefit back.”

Norman F.:                   We’ve got to pay for it but we get the benefit. And last thing is before you hire an influencer, Check them out. If they have really terrible videos, even somebody you’re paying 50 or $100, just because you’ve got an iPhone doesn’t make you a photographer. So you want to check them out just to make sure that they’re talking to your audience. And if they’re not, just move onto the next one, there’s a gazillion out there.

Shane Oglow:               And you are spot on about the quality. Just like Amazon product, if people have a crappy product, well, that will solve most of your problems there when you get a good product in terms of conversion rate and reviews and everything else that comes along with having a poor product. One more thing about the influencers though, when contacting them dealing with them, and I know that you’ve done this in the past, Norm, is you try and get them to sometimes create a story around it.

Shane Oglow:               Just try and make it …. instead of just taking articles and just plunking on there, which sometimes can work too. Sometimes they’ll try and work a narrative around it, and also linking back. We’re going to post this in the posting on our blog. Do you have any thoughts on that?

Norman F.:                   You just nailed it, and I forgot about that is probably the most important thing that you can do when you’re asking the influencers to do something for you, and they’re sharing it to hundreds of thousands of people, 50,000 people who knows. So many people make this dumb mistake, they forget to ask the influencer to tag their brand. They go out, they do all the work, they get everything out there, but you forget to brand your tag or you forget to tag your brand. That might take [inaudible 00:13:58] coming out.

Norman F.:                   Anyways, that’s one thing. And the other thing is, you can talk about very specific things that you want the influencer to talk about in their posts; how fantastic it is, or certain things, certain pain points that your product targets outside of the other guys. And also for reviews. These are fantastic. You can get incredible influencers to do video or just images and post them wherever you want to post them and then share yourself.

Shane Oglow:               Awesome. Yeah. Another mistake that’s, maybe not a mistake, but a typical thing that people will do and I’ll do is, I get this article made, I go and find my influencer, “Cool, I got this influencer, she’s got 30,000 people, or 100,000, whatever, great. What you were talking about, one particular thing you did, you’ve got a whole bunch of influencers to share the exact same thing. There is no reason why someone can’t go there because lots of influencers who’re micro don’t charge very much if anything. And you can get 100 people to show up.

Norman F.:                   Yeah. Maybe we can go over that. So the difference between a micro influencer and an influencer. An influencer is somebody who’s got a large following, and usually is paid. And you can go through and you can find an influencer in a pet niche or whatever niche you want; mommy bloggers, beauty. And you find people that they make their living off of posting and getting people to follow them because they have quality products, they have lots of engagement, and you really do want to measure by engagement.

Norman F.:                   Micro influencers or people who sometimes just want products for free. They’ll get it at a discount or they’re trying to build their engagement so they can become an influencer and get paid. Influencers, a lot of good influencers, like I find a lot … When I do a content distribution campaign, that’s giving them the post and they’re posting it on my behalf, I can get a lot of people to do it for nothing. Even the influencers or 20 bucks or 50 bucks.

Norman F.:                   But if you’re really trying to get some impact, you’re probably going to have to spend a bit of money. We’re doing a launch right now we’re spending between 500 and $750 dollars on influencers and we’ve got about 10 of them out there. So you’re not just trying to get one, you’re trying to hit different angles. These people have different areas or different followers, and so you’re really trying to be diverse. You don’t want to be … If you’re going after one silo or one specific niche, and I’m talking about, let’s say that you’re selling fruit in general and you want to get into the apple, you’re selling applesauce.

Norman F.:                   Well, it might be worth going in and targeting other people, other influencers that are selling other types of fruits or jams or whatever, I’m just making that up, but you want to be able to hit those influencers. For me, I find anywhere from five, 10 would probably be where we’re looking at when we do a campaign.

Shane Oglow:               Awesome. Good stuff. All right. So back to our list here. We’ve created the article, whether we’ve written it ourself or had it done. We have gotten an influencer or influencers and they’ve posted on their social media. And again, you can get them to create a story or narrative around it, they could do a contest, they could do whatever, but make sure they’re linking back to your brand, which is the next thing we’ll do.

Shane Oglow:               We’ll take that article and we’ll put it on our own blog, then we’ll post that article on our brand Facebook page. Now, you could potentially be a Facebook fan page as well and they will schedule that Facebook post five more times. And I’m going to bring you back in again here because the Facebook brand or fan page thing, [inaudible 00:17:59] once people have done it, they seem to fall out of favor for a while.

Shane Oglow:               People weren’t having great results but you still love it. You rely on it. You’ve got big, big fan pages that you are then able to use that cool to market to, but what I really loved was then, okay, you got this Facebook post, and then you blast it out there. You’re reposting the same darn thing two, three, four, five, 20 times, depending on how popular it is. Do you mind talking a little bit about that?

Norman F.:                   Yeah. And this actually goes back to something that we didn’t mention for influencers. One of the things you can get influencers to do, and this can get you a lot of eyes, is to ask them to post it into niche groups or communities. So as long as we’re not trying to sell products, if you’re going into a community, a Facebook community and you’re trying to sell your product, goodbye, it’s not going to happen.

Norman F.:                   If you’re going and you’re showing value and you’re trying to show maybe a pet owner about healthy pet, or there are certain things you can do to make sure that you’ve got a healthy dog. Well, great. They’re going to read that article. So there are huge dog communities out there, and they could be specific or they could just be general. Ask the influencer to post it over.

Norman F.:                   Now, that goes back to, what you were just talking about, the Facebook fan page. That’s great. We use Facebook pages, brand pages all the time. We post to it on a regular basis, we probably over post on a lot of our, but we also build our own community pages. And I think I was telling you just before we were, well, this was yesterday I was telling you, that we’ve got some community pages that are in the millions for a specific niche.

Norman F.:                   So one niche over here, and then the complete opposite. Let’s say it’s dogs over here, cats over here. It’s five million over here, three million users over here. We post the articles over and we can drive that traffic back later on to whatever page we want to. Once we can start to target them … once we can start to target that group in a Facebook ad, then we can drive them back to our page. It’s huge what you can do with these influencers posting into their groups.

Norman F.:                   And, just something to consider, is that when you are building, going into Facebook to build that community, it’s not hard to do, and as long as you don’t try to sell, this is for information.

Shane Oglow:               Awesome. That’s great stuff. Back to the Facebook posting five times, it comes back a marketing where there’s seven touchpoints. People need to see things sometimes. If you’ve got a really popular post, I know you sometimes schedule it out for months. Maybe not every day, obviously, maybe once a week. But every post can be truly a little bit different. It’s got a little engagement, you can really squeeze the juice out of it for, sometimes a long period of time.

Shane Oglow:               And then of course we can recycle that, which I think we’ll talk about a little bit here.

Norman F.:                   With that, in general, I put the number five. We want to make sure that people don’t miss it. And by putting it into Facebook, okay, they might miss it, they might see it, they might not be interested. We’re going to show it five times. We might do it … there’s ways of doing it where you can do it weekly, monthly. It could go to the back of the queue once you’ve scheduled it. But the most important thing is that if you have numbers, and your engagement is killing it, show it and show it more.

Norman F.:                   You might show it 20 times, you might drink 50 times. If that engagement is continuing to climb and new people are seeing it and new eyes are on it, then you could just repopulate it. And here’s another trick; if you’ve shown your Facebook page, and let’s say you are getting no engagement. Maybe the title is just terrible, maybe the title of your the article is just awful.

Norman F.:                   So what I do is, I create a little thumbnail, make it a little bit different, change the title, and then it’s still linked and all I’m doing is I’m taking the URL and linking it back to the blog. Facebook allows you to do that very easily. But now, people look at it and go, “It got to be different.” Then they click on it, and those people that didn’t see it, now we’re seeing the blog.

Shane Oglow:               Awesome. And I guess this is more relevant than ever. If you think about it, with Facebook sort of organic reach going down. You might post it five, 10, 15 times, but it might only reach the same person two or three times. We’ve got the article, we’ve got influencer to post it on to their networks. We’ve posted it on our blog, we’ve put it on Facebook, either our brand page or our fan page, maybe sometimes both. We’ve scheduled to reruns, we’re going to recycle that through our Facebook group. Then we post it out Twitter [inaudible 00:23:06] on Twitter.

Norman F.:                   Yeah. For it’s other social media, one thing you’ve got to be careful of is that, for me, other people might do this, but I like to stagger it. If all of a sudden, everybody sees the exact same information on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, everybody sees it, it’s not as effective as you can schedule the content on different days or weeks. So you might have the post go or that blog going out on a certain day to Twitter, Facebook, whatever you like, but try to stagger it.

Shane Oglow:               That’s really … It’s so obvious when you think about it, isn’t it? But it’s very true. What’s the point of blasting it if it’s one and done. Just keep it rolling. It’s awesome. Then we’re creating a landing page for the article. Now, you can use [Zipperfy 00:23:58] or Leadpages or ClickFunnels, whatever you got. If you’re a WordPress guy, cool, that’s great. If you don’t know anything about that, there’s too many programs out there now that are super simple drag and drop, or have someone on Fiverr or Upwork to make it for you. Especially if you can give them example of a landing page that you like, that’s great

Shane Oglow:               You create this landing page, and then we’re out there, we go out there and we can create some ads, we’ll draw some ads to it from Facebook, Google, Bing or wherever you want, outside traffic that will hit the landing page. Now you can also drive traffic directly to your Amazon listing. The general consensus nowadays is, people do that much less than they used to, they’d rather have a good old landing page first. But there’s nothing stopping you from testing to some amount, going straight to Amazon.

Shane Oglow:               And that’s the first part. Most sellers seem to do a few of these things, sometimes less, sometimes a bit more, but very few people do all of these steps. But it doesn’t end here, that’s the funny thing. Next, we take that same article that we created and we have our influencer create a video. So in this example, we say, “Hey, can you guys great a review video for us?” And I know, Norm, again, you’ve done a lot of work with influencers in terms of creating content. Would you like to talk a little bit about instructions in getting that content made in the video that jives with the article they’re getting it from and speak to your brand?

Norman F.:                   Right. You could go and get more Openbox videos, so these are influencers that are doing a review, but … All what I’m talking about here is, taking that blog and turning it into a very simple YouTube video; a couple of slides, throw it up there, put the transcript into YouTube, so it’s all there and optimizing YouTube. So that now you’re getting a little bit more juice from YouTube. Now, the other thing you can do with this … I don’t want to get too far off on this. Without this next thing I’m going to say, it’s pretty simple.

Norman F.:                   The only other thing I can say is, with a video, if you’ve got a video on your blog and it’s this video or any other video that you want to put in there, that is the Openbox review or whatever it is, people love videos. They will watch the video and Google measures. Part of their algorithm is based on time spent on page. If you’re clicking on a video, on a page and you’re watching it, that’s going to help you out a little bit. That’s what I mean by doing the video. You can go that extra step, create for YouTube.

Norman F.:                   Now, with that video, we’re going to go out to all the different other social media, put it into your blog and you’re going to get a lot more traffic.

Shane Oglow:               Awesome. Again, when you’re working with influencers, making videos, if you want something specific to be talked about with your product, make sure you give them very special, specific instructions, otherwise it might kickback in video and you are like, “Oh, man, they didn’t talk at all about the best feature, or whatever.” And also again, just like with your article, make sure they’re tagging you if they’re going to be putting it on their online network.

Shane Oglow:               Then we get that influencer to you repost it on their network, be sure they tag you, add the video to your website testimonial page, assuming you have one, you probably should have one. If you don’t, start one. Then create a blog post based on that video review that the influencer did. So you got a blog post on …Then you can share that video across the social media assets just like before, in your Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, whatever you got. Share that there and then share the blog articles that you created on Facebook as well.

Shane Oglow:               And what we’d like to do with the article, repurpose it, have it re-runned depending on how popular it is, maybe set it five times. You can do it more if it ends up being a popular video, then you can share that video on YouTube. And then finally, you can create a Facebook video ad from the video review. Norm, again, you’ve got some pretty neat ideas on the way you creatively took either an existing video or a series of videos and mashed them up to make like a sales video for Facebook video ad.

Norman F.:                   Right. We have the influencers that we had, and one of the things that we can do is … What are you trying to do when you’re creating a pre-roll. Pre-roll is that annoying video that comes up in YouTube. They’re very effective, and if you get people to click on them within ten seconds, it’s actually free. What we’ll do is, we’ll ask the influencers, let’s say we have 10, and let’s say it’s in the pet niche, When you give them the treat, let’s see something cute or they run around, do something that’s kind of engaging when they open the box and give it to the pet, or favorite pet trick, or something that can look like a bit of a hook.

Norman F.:                   If you’re trying to sell or if it’s boring, you’ve got microseconds before people just hit, well, they have to wait five seconds and then they just hit skip. But if you do have that hook, there’s so many people that I know that have been able to drive very inexpensive traffic from YouTube. This has been going on for years and people still haven’t taken advantage of that.

Shane Oglow:               Awesome. Another interesting video I saw was where they got some influencers, so they had four, five influencers create some video reviews and then they took little snippets from each of those videos, mashed them up into one montage, like a kid opening a present, and freaked me out, kid after kid, after kid, after kid. Like all his reactions or like a dog reacting to a tree or something. And that is your Facebook video ad.

Shane Oglow:               Just using those assets and finding ways to repurpose them and work them into the next thing, I guess that’s really the whole point of what we’re doing he is, finding a way to repurposing and reuse this. That’s probably it, right? No. That’s not it. We can still keep pushing it. Kind of like a rugby game; unless it’s whistle dead, that ball is landed, you take it up and you just keep pushing forward, keep pushing forward.

Shane Oglow:               That’s what I wasn’t doing before. It’s what most people don’t do. What we can do now is that, we can say, “All right. So we got this article going, we got these videos going, we created all these stuff, and we’ve gone through than our networks multiple times, different configurations. Now, we get a press release written about the video review which is … ”

Shane Oglow:               Pretty much any piece of content you create, you can probably make a press release is about it. Never mind that the typical PR topic’s out there as well, but anything you’re doing, you can probably do a PR about it, it’s very powerful. The press releases you get, you get it published, goes out to distribution. And I’d just like to mention here, if you’re getting free distribution or something or really cheap distribution, it’s probably not going to do you any good. It’s going to show up, mom-and-pop newspaper in the middle of nowhere, probably, not going to do you any good.

Shane Oglow:               Proper, high quality syndication and distributions is extremely, extremely important with press releases to have them be effective.

Norman F.:                   Hi, Shane, can I get up in there?

Shane Oglow:               Sure.

Norman F.:                   When you are creating those the press releases and the content, if you’re doing 10 gardening secrets and you have shares as an Amazon listing, you can create that into XYZ company researches, whatever, for better gardening. And you can turn that article, so now, one of the links you’ve got in the press release is going back to your Amazon listing and is going over to your blog. What happens is, when you get those press release published and they’re syndicated, just like you were saying, you could use, one person is going to see it.

Norman F.:                   When you have really quality, authority links, and Jason, and back in the day, it was all about links, but the authority links were the things that drove the traffic. If you could have like a PR ranked page of a six, or a seven, or a eight or nine, that juice, if you’re linking to the Washington Post, and not the New To-Come-See Times, you’re probably going to get more authority. Google likes it, it shows that you’re getting good syndicator. You’re probably getting four or 500 pickups.

Norman F.:                   These junk guides, it’s like the old link firm. You might get 2,000 pickups, which all I mean by pickup, is newspapers and small town, media firms, picking you up, but they’re worth nothing because they free.

Shane Oglow:               Got you. And another little tip too is, when you get that back on the first level, and we talked about getting that article made, at the same time when you’re having someone write the article, have them create a press release to go, just two birds of one stone, have it done all at once. Even if you don’t really suppress this right away, and you keep it in your pocket for a week or two. That’s fine, we get it done right away.

Shane Oglow:               So, we get the press release published. And hopefully you’ve got good quality syndication and distribution, then you share that press release across all your social media assets, you schedule it to run on Facebook, five more times, keep coming back to that, keep recycling it through circuits in front of people’s faces. That press release can then be shared on your website blog. You’d think that was fine with it, no. But here’s where another interesting thing comes in. So you took the article, you got some videos, you created the variations, you got it out there.

Shane Oglow:               You created the press release, you recycled that through all our networks basically, on all our assets, but we can easily go back to that original article and we can spin it and we can start the process all over again. So unlike me, back in the day, I’m not trying to find the most original piece of new content every single freaking day, you’ve got the same thing to work off and it’s effective and you’re really saturating your market.

Shane Oglow:               So you start the process all over again, and we’ll talk a little bit about that in a minute, different ways you can spin that. And in this example, we didn’t even go as wide as possible. But we did cover the most common avenues that everyone of us probably already have in place, or you can put into place in a very, very short period of time. If you don’t have a Twitter account, that’s easy to setup, you can do that.

Shane Oglow:               All these things we’re talking about don’t take any special skills, or money or anything, they’re all very, very typical assets that all people have. Now, from this one simple piece of content, we’re able to distribute it across mobile platforms and then it’s spun off into several pieces of very unique variations. Hang on, I need to scroll back here. I’m sorry. My bad.

Shane Oglow:               We had a technology malfunction here. It was a press releases. This is what I’m talking about right here. And actually, Norm, while I’m bringing this back to where we were, if you don’t mind, I really like your take on the way you’re taking that original content, and it’s not necessarily spinning the article, it can be, but sometimes you just spin different aspects of it to make it a new piece of content.

Norman F.:                   So you’re just simply taking the … For the most part, it’s the title or the look, just like I was talking about before. You could go in and change it a little bit. You could go in there and change the links if you wanted to, let’s say that you’ve exhausted the blog. I wouldn’t really recommend that, but yeah, it’s just simple, put up just a new thumbnail, get it designed, get Fiverr to do it, do it on Canva. And one thing I should probably point out is that, everything that we’re showing here, it’s not like you’re hopping around from, “Oh, I got to learn Facebook, I got to do this, I got to do that.”

Norman F.:                   There’s companies like Hootsuite that you just log in, you have all your social accounts there and you can easily just put out this information all at one time. You can just target your Facebook, any other pages that you have, Twitter, anything.

Shane Oglow:               Yeah. Awesome. There’s just so many tools out there and they’re not expensive either. And just to sum up, I know sometimes press releases can be very confusing for people, “They know I can’t write PRs, I don’t know anything about it.” We’re going to go into that quite … We’re not going to go super deep because we have time constraints, but on the workshop on Thursday, we’re definitely going to talk a lot more press releases and some tips, editorial guidelines. We’ve got some great downloads for you there too to help you really optimize that.

Shane Oglow:               We started off with one article, we went through all these iteration, we got it recycled through, literally, that one piece of content and kind of metamorphing into a hundreds of different variations and reiterations of it. Again, you don’t have to go as wide as we did, you can go wider. You don’t have to do every step. This is all stuff that’s available to you right now, today. It’s not like, “Oh man, maybe in a month, I’ll get this set up.” Forget that, you can start tomorrow, you can start today. It’s just that easy. It is very, very effective.

Shane Oglow:               Now, I want you to bear in mind though, that the quality of your content will ultimately determine your success. You’re better off to put out less content that is higher quality than just spam out tons of low quality garbage, that’s not going to help you at all. Just having a low quality product is not going to do you any favors, you’re always going to be battling something.

Shane Oglow:               And consistency is important. Even if you’re super busy and you’ve only got an hour a day to work on your business. Okay, well, maybe you want put on one piece of content every week. No problem, just make sure you do it, every single week. Don’t pull it out and then three months later, doing the other one, it’s not going to get you spinning your wheels.

Shane Oglow:               Don’t change your voice with your audience, and this is something I see so much. Actually, Norm, I think you got some insight on there, which I would love to hear.

Norman F.:                   You have to know your demographic. If you’re selling to mommy bloggers and you come out with a real analytical kind of tone, you’re going to miss your audience. So you just got to know who your audience is and how to speak to them. It’s very similar to having a brand, if you’re consistent with the way that you present yourself, the way that … Everything is looked, let’s put it this way. If you have a template on your website and when somebody receives a post from you, and you know, “Oh, it’s got to be from this company,” because there’s a template there, it’s got your look and whatever you’re just saying if it’s quotes and if it’s empowering women, then don’t go off a different tangent, unless there’s a reason for it.

Norman F.:                   If there’s a blog, don’t try to be funny when it’s a serious situation. And if your demographic is women 35 to 45, don’t be hitting up men that are 18 to 25. It’s completely different audience, you’re going to miss the boat.

Shane Oglow:               Yeah. Absolutely. And that ties into our last point here, where you want to ensure that your targeted content is hitting the right targeted group. So you might go there and find an influencer you like, who’s got this huge following, they’re willing to promote your product, that’s so cool. But if the influencer’s audience isn’t in line with your product or your message? You’re probably going to have less substantive results.

Shane Oglow:               And again, you might be better off [inaudible 00:41:14] just to go smaller influencers who have very niche audiences versus that big audience, which I think you might just get lost and watered down. We’re a running little over the time here, our last slide coming up. I just want to summarize by saying, each piece of content, and again, good content, you can create, it can be absolute gold if it’s properly leveraged.

Shane Oglow:               In fact, if it’s a real winner, and I know we’ve seen pieces of content or at least a version of it, that sometimes gets used for years. Like one piece of content, they paid once and they’re able to use it for years. It’s unbelievable. And Doug Kessler has this quote that I really like. I saw it the other day, where it said, “Traditional marketing talks at people or content marketing talks with them.” And I know Jason in the letters leading up to this had some really interesting stats in there on how content marketing and influencer marketing is really the next wave. And it’s really the only way.

Shane Oglow:               Like it’s so much more effective, and on Thursday’s webinar, I’m going to talk a little bit about some interesting numbers, especially with younger audiences. It’s absolutely mind blowing, how content marketing and the influencers and micro influencers are affecting this whole marketing landscape. You need to answer the questions that your audience needs answered. If you’re providing solutions, that’s what you need to do, and you need to ask the questions that your audience needs asked.

Shane Oglow:               And as a final thing, I just want to say, if you take this example and you apply it to content you probably already have, or you can easily have it created in a very short period of time, then you start maximizing the effect of your reach right now. I’m just going to jump out of here and stop sharing my screen, Jason, and head back to you.Okay, bud?

Jason K.:                       Excellent. Thanks guys. I was trying to find the mute button. I apologize about that. All right guys. Yeah. We did go, that was a little bit more in the 15 minutes, but that’s always good because when you get Norm jumping in and giving all of his wisdom, we can go on and on and on. So that was awesome. Everything was solid. Time though was kind of like, “I should jump in.” No, no, no, no, no, you guys covered everything.

Jason K.:                       At the end of it, the world is changing from the perspective of, if you’ve been trying to have a business online at all, years ago, you used to be able to get cheap content and it actually got you somewhat of a result. Now, the platforms don’t want it, the readers don’t want it, nobody wants it. If you’re looking at just throwing up content that’s a simple definition of a word, you’re going to get that kind of result. And just like there is … Should be focusing on all the biggest tasks in your business.

Jason K.:                       If you’re focusing on a little cheap tasks, that’s what you’re going to have, is a cheap run business and it’s not worthwhile. But the other part of that is, it also means you don’t have to create these $500 worth pieces of content each and every time. It’s all about knowing who your market is, knowing the message that matches that market, and then delivering them worthwhile content, and then re-delivering it and re-delivering it. Meaning finding different audiences to give it to, tweaking it a little bit to optimize.

Jason K.:                       If you’re talking, let’s just say, in the business world, if you’re trying to reach stay at home moms and unemployed fathers, you could use almost the exact same content, but then just twist it a little bit so that it reads better to one audience than the other. There’s so many angles you can take and it’s all about really first of all, getting content out there, finding the ones, especially once you have a piece of content that’s getting some results, and making sure you really repurpose it.

Jason K.:                       Thank you so much Norm and Shane, and I really hope … You realize, here in this little bit of Facebook Live, you got all of that free information from these guys. Imagine what you’re going to get on Thursday, it’s going to be absolutely phenomenal. I highly recommend if you haven’t done it already. First of all, if you are already an member, part of the monthly membership, where you’re paying access to be part of that, you get this webinar totally free. You don’t even have to worry about that, but if you’re not, I highly encourage you to check out, go to

Jason K.:                       In fact, in this post underneath me, you should be able to see in the verbiage, the link directly to that, you’re going to want to register for that. It’s only $67, you get a 30 day money back guarantee, you’re going to get tons of downloads and free material with this that is going to help you implement everything you need to do. Put it this way, let me just show you this. Norm, is one of those kind of guys that when you’re trying to strategize, when you’re trying to really increase your business, that’s what he does. He works with companies to be able to figure out how to strategize to get the better result. And this is part of what you’re learning.

Jason K.:                       He’s worked with Shane. We’ve seen the results and now we’re sharing it with you. You want to be on this, I promise you it’s going to help you get so much better results. I promise you it will help you to be an authority in your business. It will help you to get more traffic, and at the end of the day, it’s going to help you get more targeted buyers come into your listing. With that said, I don’t know, I think I’ve covered everything, but Norm and Shane, is there anything else about the webinar, or the bootcamp on Thursday that you’d like to share?

Norman F.:                   Well, for me, I think and I was just talking to a seller about this, I think it was a couple of days ago, and they had incredible conversion. They had poor traffic, so all we need to do, is get them traffic. Like on Thursday, that’s what we’re going to show you how to do. Use influencers, get engagement, get traffic. And just one last thing very quickly, if you’re posting and you’re just putting on a lot of quantity, and you might have one share or two shares, you’re just putting out … It’s waste of time to begin with. So what we’re trying to do is, get those shares up, get more eyes.

Norman F.:                   To get those eyes to your listing, to drive that traffic, if you’re converting, to get you more sales.

Jason K.:                       Excellent point. Shane, any closing remarks?

Shane Oglow:               Awesome. No, I think I’d just like to say, don’t worry about learning little things. I remember, when I started this journey, I was like, “where the heck do I get this content?” We’re going to cover all that. We’re going to cover content creation. Where to curate from. We’re going to talk about setting goals, so you can quantify your efforts, not just willy-nilly, creating stuff without any real end goal in mind like that super important getting in front of your audience, increasing that traffic and conversions.

Shane Oglow:               And then the last thing or too, and really important, is scheduling. And we’ve already talked about in this where we’re repurposing and rescheduling, we’re going to give you the tools and show you where you can also … There’s al lot of tools you can use to schedule it. So it all comes off in an orderly manner. It’s super easy for a VA to handle, because it just all makes sense, it’s all organized, it’s all there in one place.

Shane Oglow:               I swear to goodness, when we started this I said, “This actually becomes fun because we’ve got all these tools in place so you can just concentrate on the content and interacting with people and actually having fun with it, versus having a chore that you have to try and pump out week after week.” Good stuff.

Jason K.:                       Excellent. All right, gentlemen, I do have a request. We do have a couple of questions in the question comment box, so if one of you could take time to actually just answer them, there’s just a few there, nothing major, because we’ve got to let you go, we’re a little bit over time. Thanks everyone for being here. Thanks Norm and Shane, as always. And please, please, please, make sure to check out the bootcamp we’re hosting on Thursday. Again, the price is only s$67.

Jason K.:                       It’s free for anyone that’s already an member and the price goes up to a minimum of $97 as soon as the webinar goes live. So you’re going to want to get on it, you’re going to get the recordings, you’re going to get SOPs with it, you’re going to get downloads, you’re going to get tips on how to make better press releases, tons and tons of stuff. Thank you guys again. I’ll say it one more time and for everyone else, have a great day and I hope to see you on the call on Thursday.

















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