$37K/Mo Products – Find Products To Sell on Amazon


Find Products to Sell on Amazon

This tiny little product sells about 37,000 a month right now, and what I want to show you really quickly is how you can take little products like these and build a crazy profitable business for yourself. Pretty much from scratch… that you can run from home or really anywhere in the world.

Before I show you the steps of how to find products like these, I just want to let you know that this is real. Like here’s a business that I have right now, an e-commerce brand selling my own brands of products. As you can see, year-to-date in 2020, so far this business has done about 12 million dollars so far.

Compared to last year it’s up about almost 700. So you know how this is working is we’re doing about 1.5 million dollars a month. This is a brand that a business partner and I completely own and we’re selling products very similar to what I’m about to show you how to find.

So just to show you how you figure out how much a product is doing in sales. I’ll pop over to Amazon which is a great place to find product opportunities because you can see how well products are selling, and you can see what people are saying about them.

So this tiny little product is like a men’s eye cream, it’s actually this one that’s kind of featured right here. So if I were to search for men’s eye cream and I used a little tool called the MBS retriever, so if you go to a site called manage by stats, you sign up, you can just do a free 14-day trial you don’t ever have to actually pay for it If you just want to try it.

So if I go over here and I run this chrome extension, the value of this is it’ll tell me what the products are doing in sales, which isn’t available through amazon itself. So this product is this one right here, moisturizing eye cream, so as you can see it’s doing about thirty seven thousand dollars a month in sales.

Some of these are doing you know hundred thousand dollars plus a month in sales which is over a million dollars a year. So what does this mean in terms of actual money you can make?

Well if you’re selling on amazon, which you can sell on amazon, you can sell on your own website, there’s different places you can sell. But if you’re selling on amazon your bottom line profit after selling this is probably going to be around 25 percent.

So if the product is doing 100 grand a month in sales, you could be pocketing about 25,000 a month in profit. Now a great way to go out there and find opportunities is if you can sell something that you’ll actually use. So look around your house, look around your home office, look around your bedroom, your kitchen, look at the stuff you’re already using and think about products that you wouldn’t mind selling.

Like what would be a cool product for you to go out there and sell? Maybe you’re a guy or a girl and you’re really into this kind of stuff so maybe this is the kind of product you want to sell.

Maybe you’re looking at things like cell phone cases. Create a list of 20 to 30 of these different ideas, then jump over to Amazon. Search for that product and then run the MBS retriever to get this data. What you’re looking for in general is, you’re looking for products that have high sales volume, and low competition.

The way you figure that out is look for products that are doing say at least thirty thousand dollars a month in sales. At least thirty thousand dollars a month in sales and less than a thousand reviews.

Reviews matter a lot because when you first start out selling your product, if you’re starting with Amazon, you’re basically going to have zero reviews. You’re gonna have to go out there and compete with these people, and so I would recommend looking for products that have less than a thousand reviews so you can go out there and compete. So for example this product could be a good opportunity.

Next step you want to do is start looking at their reviews. See what people like, see what people don’t like, start making some notes. So you know how when you come out with your product, how you’re going to go out there and compete with them? Well the next step is to go find a supplier. Easiest way to do this is just head on over to google and search for whatever the product is.

For example, men’s eye cream, and then just type private labels or manufacturers. So you type private label or you can type manufacturer but I like private label for this type of product and then I can start finding all kinds of different options here.

So here’s I think a manufacturer of different private label skin care, tons of different options. Now if you’re looking for products like cell phone cases and stuff, that’s not necessarily a cream or a supplement, you’re just going to want to go to a website called alibaba.com.

You head over to alibaba and you can type in you know for example iPhone case, something like that, and you’re going to see a ton of different options that you can choose from. All these different options or potential suppliers for your product. Very important thing is you want to sell your own brand. This isn’t drop shipping, this isn’t any of that kind of stuff, this is where you actually have your own brand on a product.

For example this is just a tiny little label here, a tiny little label here, otherwise this is a generic product. You can have your own brand and label on a product like this, the value is you’re going to have way higher profit margins and you’re going to be able to control that brand.

Most important of all is you’re actually going to be building an asset that’s worth something. A business that you can sell in the future for hopefully a lot of money. So you want to own the brand and fortunately with the two methods I just showed you, how to find suppliers, it’ll be super easy to create your own brand.

Now what I want to mention here is that I’ve actually gone out and included a lot of this stuff in a book. You know I’ve been teaching people how to do this stuff for eight plus years. I’ve sold about 200 million dollars online, and actually just took a lot of my top lessons for this specific process.

How to find products, how to sell them on amazon, how to find suppliers, how to market and rank products, and included it in this book just to give as much value to people as possible. I actually want to give you a free copy. So if you click the link on this video or below this video in the description, go ahead check it out to see if you want to get a copy.

See what the book is all about. It’s completely free. All you have to do is pay a small shipping charge. It basically covers our cost to get the book to you. We also have a digital option available so check out this book, get your access to a copy and let me know what you think.

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