Day 7 – Simple Tactic To Increase Your Amazon Listings Conversion Rate by up to 8%

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For today’s episode of the 12 Days of Christmas we are showing you a simple tactic on how to increase conversion rates of your Amazon listings. This is one of the most important things you can do as an Amazon seller.

The most obvious reason, is that you’ll get more revenue per dollar invested in marketing.

But there’s also another, equally important reason.

You see, when you have good conversion rates, that means that people love your product (or at least the way you’re presenting that product), and they are more likely to buy your product over a competitor’s.

And because of that – because your product is better at making money – you have a higher chance of Amazon picking up your product and promoting it through their emails and other channels.

There are many ways to increase conversion rates, and Norm Farrar, a highly successful Amazon seller and consultant, is sharing with you his favorite strategy that can boost your conversion rates by up to 8%!

Best part: it takes 5 minutes to implement.

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