Day 11 – Grow Your Amazon Business Internationally

You already know how huge Amazon is right now. And you probably know that Amazon is growing each and every day, in terms of sales, customers, market share, etc.

But did you know that Amazon is also rapidly growing outside the US? In countries like Germany, France, Spain, Italy, UK, etc.?

You see, most sellers are starting their businesses in the US. They think that the market is bigger, that people have more money to spend, that it’s generally easier, etc.

However… The truth is that the European market is also huge (almost 500 million people). European consumers are able and willing to spend money online. And there are no obstacles to selling on European markets.

And here’s the sweet part…

Since most sellers are aiming at the US market, that means that the competition in Germany, France, Spain, etc. is significantly lower than the one in the US!

So, with much less effort, you can achieve almost the same results as you would in the US!

Today’s guest, Brandon Slater, did just that, scaling to over $100K in just 4 months!

The key component in all markets is finding the right products to sell.

And in today’s video, Brandon is showing you how he discovers the new products that European consumers want to buy, and that will make him maximum profit in the shortest amount of time.

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