Amazon Just Decided To Invest $15 Billion Into Your Amazon FBA Business And Make It Easier For You To Succeed

Amazon just laid a big rumor to rest. Over the past few years, some Amazon FBA Business were worried that Amazon’s private label offerings indicated a push to drive third party sellers off the platform.

Well, just this past week they put that rumor to rest…and in a BIG way…by investing $15 BILLION into helping it’s third party sellers do even better on their platform.

In their press release from a few weeks ago, Amazon announced that they’ll invest $15 BILLION into creating over 150 new tools and services for small, Amazon FBA Business like us…

All in 2019 alone!

These tools and services have only one goal – to help you run your Amazon FBA Business more smoothly and profitably.

Here are some of the tools Amazon released recently (from their Press Release):

  • Fulfillment and inventory tools – The Target Inventory Levels tool launched in the U.S., the U.K., Italy, Spain, France, and Germany to help selling partners obtain better insights into their FBA inventory. Achieving suggested inventory levels increases sales through more 1-Day delivery eligibility, and qualifies selling partners for lower storage fees.
  • App store and third-party tools – The Amazon Marketplace Appstore expanded globally into Europe, India, Japan, and Australia. The Amazon Marketplace Appstore helps selling partners identify trusted third-party applications that complement Amazon’s free tools and help them streamline their business operations. With more than 200 apps available, selling partners can find tools and services across a range of categories including pricing, advertising, and inventory management.
  • Pricing management tools – Sold by Amazon, a free, opt-in service, helps selling partners save time and increase sales by automating prices so they can consistently and effortlessly offer customers great prices. Selling partners have peace of mind that they will never receive less than the established price for a product, even if the product is sold to an Amazon customer for less.
  • Business reports and analytics tools – The Product Opportunities dashboard can help selling partners find new product opportunities that align with how they want to grow and scale their business. To do so, this tool generates customized reports based on business analytics and data that provide curated guidance for selling partners, like purchasing trends and requests for quantity discounts, which help inform their decisions for how to grow their selection. Selling partners using Amazon Business can use the new Marketplace Business Opportunities Portal reports to find more product listing opportunities for their business.
  • Seller University– An improved, redesigned Seller University portal helps selling partners find relevant educational content easier. In addition, Amazon launched a feature in Seller Central that gives selling partners personalized guidance about additional selling programs and features that they can experiment with to accelerate their growth. Each recommendation includes rich educational content (including Seller University videos) to help selling partners learn more about the programs.

All of these, PLUS the new upcoming tools and services, are/will be available inside your Seller Central dashboard.

So where does all this love for small, third-party sellers comes from? From the results, that we as 3rd party sellers have generated! To quote Amazon’s press release:

“Independent third-party sellers – primarily small and medium-sized businesses – made up 58% of all physical gross merchandise sold in Amazon’s stores in 2018 and their sales far exceeded $2 billion on Prime Day in July this year. These businesses have created an estimated 1.6 million jobs worldwide.”

Seeing these numbers, Amazon realized where their focus – and their money – should go.

And this is great news whether you sell on Amazon or not.

If you’re an existing seller, running your business will become much easier.

If you are wanting to learn to sell? It’s easier than ever to Get Started Selling On Amazon FBA using Amazon’s infrastructure.

For the most up to date information about everything going on with Amazon and Private Label sellers, make sure to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or better yet, subscribe to this blog.

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