Amazon’s War on IP Part 1 | Amazon Brand Registry Benefits

Guide Contents:

  1. Amazon Brand Registry Benefits
  2. Amazon Brand Registry Protections
  3. Amazon Brand Registry Tools

Hey there! If you’re interested in selling on Amazon, but are afraid of counterfeiters or worried about people trying to steal your brand, then I want you to stop what you’re doing and watch this video on Amazon’s war on intellectual property theft. Over the past decade, Amazon’s been growing like crazy.

Racking up double digit growth each year and completely dominating the eCommerce market. And with that growth they face several challenges. And one of them is how to help its sellers protect their intellectual property rights such as their brand names, product images, and patented technologies.

Amazon Brand Registry Benefits

Now, protecting its sellers and more importantly the trust with its customers is absolutely critical to Amazon. Which is why they’ve developed multiple services and tools to help virtually wipe out IP theft.

The first service they’ve built is Brand Registry. Which has actually been around for a few years, but was completely revamped over a year ago. Brand Registry actually does two things.

First, it protects your brand and valuable intellectual property that you’ve worked so hard to build, making sure that others looking to capitalize on all your hard work are stopped in their steps as soon as they’ve been identified.

And secondly, Brand Registry also gives you access to some crazy and extremely effective marketing tools.

Amazon Brand Registry Protections

There are multiple areas where Brand Registry helps protect your brand. The first is to grant you control over your brand and the content on your product listings on Amazon. When your brand registered, you and only you can update your title, your images, your bullets, and your product description.

Next, they give you the ability to easily find potential infringements of your intellectual property. Such as when people are using your trademarks or your images.

Now, once you’ve identified anyone doing that Brand Registry gives you a fast and simple method to report those offenders right from inside your Brand Registry account. They also have a dedicated support team to research and take action when violations are identified and reported by you, and they’re extremely fast.

Ninety-five percent of violations are now investigated within twenty-four hours of their report. Meaning the days of reporting a violation into an Amazon black hole are gone. And you can have the confidence that a real person is looking at your issue and helping resolve it as quickly as possible.

Amazon Brand Registry Tools

Now by using these tools, you’re helping Amazon become more proactive. The more Amazon’s Brand Registry has learned about you and your brand, the more it protects you by taking proactive measures and stopping potential violations, even before they happen.

Even with just these types of protections, Brand Registry would be incredibly valuable. However, being enrolled in Amazon’s Brand Registry also means you get access to several exclusive tools to help you grow your brand.

Enhanced Brand Content gives you the ability to add photos, videos, and comparison charts to make your products stand out among the rest. Amazon Stores, where you showcase your products and brand with an exclusive URL or website right on Amazon that you can drive traffic and track it as well.

Sponsored Brands is an enhanced version of their normal Sponsored Products Advertising and it lets you get your products at the very top of the searches on Amazon and showcase multiple products that your customers are looking for.

And finally, you also get access to the Brand Dashboard. That includes all types of tools such as Brand Analytics, Market Basket data, and Demographic data about your customers. These tools are some of the most viable ever released by Amazon. And having access to them gives you a huge advantage over your competition.

Up until a short time ago, you had to have a trademark filed and registered in order to get the full Amazon brand registry benefits. However, Amazon recently launched a new service that can shorten the length of time for that, down from two years to two weeks.

Want to sell on Amazon? Then be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel below, and watch the next two videos I’m releasing in this series. And, if you wanna find out how to build an entire brand and business on Amazon, then be sure to click the link in the description below and get access to our completely free video training series. So be sure to like our channel, check out our free video series, and I’ll see you soon.

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