5 TEDTalks Every Entrepreneur Should Watch

Motivation is crucial to achieving your goals, and every entrepreneur needs a bit of it from time to time. Or more like a lot of it – right?! To get back on track, it’s always nice to search for some motivational content, whether it’s business-minded podcasts or inspirational quotes. TEDTalks anyone?

If it isn’t already, these can be your next favorite source for some major motivation. TEDTalks is a collection of presentations from highly popular conferences that present “Ideas Worth Spreading.” They’re full of insightful and inspirational information from great entrepreneurial minds.

Below are 5 TEDTalks that every entrepreneur should definitely watch at least once. Bookmark them, so that when you need that extra push, you can watch them again and again!

1. Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Simon Sinek looks at Apple, Martin Luther King, and the Wright brothers: all amazing leaders. He explains a simple but powerful model called “The Golden Circle,” to illustrate the “why, how and what” of an organization. He urges you, the entrepreneur, to look at the why of everything you do. Once you know what your true motivation is, only then can you make a positive impact to those around you.

2. Richard St. John: 8 Secrets of Success

This one is fast paced, yet easy to digest. Success Analyst Richard St. John, asked more than 500 successful people what helped them succeed. Then he analyzed their answers and presented eight of the common traits successful people share. It’s a good one to quickly get you pumped and ready to pursue your goals.

3. Seth Godin: How to Get Your Ideas to Spread

What good is an idea if it doesn’t reach an audience… ever? Seth Godin is a marketing expert, and your mind will be racing as he shares exactly who you should be reaching, and why. Make some time to watch this one!

4. Tim Harford: Trial, Error, and the God Complex

This TEDTalk reveals yet another common trait among successful people. Economics writer Tim Harford talks about trial and error. This is perfect for those who seem to be discouraged by “failure.” Harford expresses how “failure” is actually one of the very first indicators of success. He says that entrepreneurs should embrace themselves, and also start making better mistakes.

5. Tony Robbins: Why We Do What We Do

Why do you want to become an entrepreneur? Is it money? Is it fame? Tony Robbins discusses exactly what motivates people to take action. Take notes, because he talks about six human needs. He also encourages you to explore who you are today, and for two reasons. One: so that you can contribute more. And two: that hopefully we can not just understand people more, but appreciate them more, and create the kinds of connections that can stop some of the challenges that we face today. Bravo.

Any other personal favorites that we should all know about? Share, share, share!

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